What It Takes to Be Number One

Vince Lombardi was a great leader who knew how to motivate men. He was an American football coach, winning many championships. He was the head coach of the Green Bay Packers when they won the first Super Bowl. In fact, the Super Bowl trophy is named after him. Lombardi was famous for his inspirational speeches. One of his most famous speeches is “What It Takes to Be Number One.”

Lombardi was known for his drive and determination, but he is remembered for his leadership. Lombardi was driven to be the best and demanded the same from his players. “What It Takes to Be Number One” was first given in the locker room at halftime. Since then, Lombardi gave this speech many times to businesses and at political conventions.

I have always admired Vince Lombardi. You could say, he is my “go-to” guy for inspiration. “What It Takes to Be Number One” is one of my favorite Lombardi speeches. I have it on a card hanging up in my office. Every now and then, I take it down and read it. Vince Lombardi has been such an inspiration to me I even married a girl named Lombardi. That’s Sofia’s maiden name.

The Speech “What It Takes To Be Number One”

“Winning is not a sometimes thing; it’s an all the time thing. You don’t do things right once in a while; you do them right all the time. Winning is a habit. Unfortunately, so is losing.”

By doing the right things all the time you will find yourself winning more often than not. Develop the habit of winning in everything that you do

“There is no room for second place. There is only one place in my game, and that’s first place. I have finished second twice in my time at Green Bay, and I don’t ever want to finish second again. There is a second-place ballgame, but it is a game for losers played by losers. It is and always has been an American zeal to be first in anything we do, and to win, and to win, and to win.”

You won’t win every time, nobody does. When you don’t win it should drive you to come in first the next time. Only one team is having fun at the end of a championship game. The winning team.

All In

“Every time a football player goes to ply his trade he’s got to play from the ground up, from the soles of his feet right up to his head. Every inch of him has to play. Some guys play with their heads. That’s O.K. You’ve got to be smart to be number one in any business. But more importantly, you’ve got to play with your heart, with every fiber of your body. If you’re lucky enough to find a guy with a lot of head and a lot of heart, he’s never going to come off the field second.”

Giving it everything you’ve got is how you win. You cannot do things halfway.


“Running a football team is no different than running any other kind of organization, an army, a political party, or a business. The principles are the same. The object is to win and to beat the other guy. Maybe that sounds hard or cruel. I don’t think it is.”

The objective of any business is all the same. It is to make a profit. If you are not making money in your business, you have a hobby.


“It is a reality of life that men are competitive and the most competitive games draw the most competitive men. That’s why they are there, to compete. To know the rules and objectives when they get in the game. The object is to win fairly, squarely, by the rules, but to win.”

Competition makes everyone better. It doesn’t have to be nasty and you don’t have to cheat. Do your best and win fairly.


“And in truth, I’ve never known a man worth his salt who in the long run, deep down in his heart, didn’t appreciate the grind, the discipline. There is something in good men that really yearns for discipline and the harsh reality of head-to-head combat.”

Embrace the grind and everyday challenges. Learn to love the daily routine of making yourself better. Championship teams put more emphasis on practice. They embrace the difficulties of the daily grind. Championships are won during these times.


The final paragraph of his speech is the most important part for me. It sums up what it takes to be number one. Read it many times and let his words take hold of you.

“I don’t say these things because I believe in the “brute” nature of man or that men must be brutalized to be combative. I believe in God, and I believe in human decency. But I firmly believe that any man’s finest hour, his greatest fulfillment to all he holds dear, is that moment when he has to work his heart out in a good cause and he’s exhausted on the field of battle, victorious.”




The Mystery Of Sex Transmutation

In this podcast, I am continuing to talk about Napoleon Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich. The 10th step toward riches, The Mystery of Sex Transmutation. I will admit that I had a difficult time understanding this chapter. I read it several times until I believe I finally understood it. It is simply a sexual energy transfer to increase creativity.

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Sex Transmutation

According to Hill, the emotion of sex has three constructive potentials. First, sex is necessary for the perpetuation of man. Second, sex has the potential to maintain a healthy mind and body. Third, sex has the potential for the transformation of mediocrity into genius. It is done through transmutation by a sexual energy transfer to increase creativity.

The mystery of sex transmutation isn’t complicated. Sex transmutation is switching the mind from thoughts of physical expression to thoughts of some other nature. It is simply a transfer of sexual energy into another form of energy. Transmuting your desire for sex into accomplishing your goals will open up your creative mind.

Directed Sexual Desire

It can be argued, that when people go astray, the main culprit is sexual desire. Hill states that men have risked life and reputation to fulfill this desire. It has cost people vast fortunes. In contrast, when harnessed and directed to another outlet, sexual energy can be used to create great literature, art, and wealth.

The desire for sex is the most powerful desire we have as humans. It makes sense to harness this power and use it to accomplish greatness. Sexual desire can develop imagination as well as increase courage. It will develop willpower and persistence. Sexual energy transfer will increase your creative ability.


It’s Natural

Sexual desire is innate and natural. It should not be suppressed or eliminated. You should use sexual energy transfer to increase your creativity. Give this powerful desire another avenue to express your creativity. In this chapter, Hill reveals that scientific research at the time disclosed that men of greatest achievement have highly developed sexual natures. Also, these men were motivated by the influence of a woman.


How can you use sexual energy transfer to increase creativity? First, continue to have a healthy sexual relationship with your loved one. Think of a particular passionate event or someone who stimulates a sexual desire in you. You will open up your creative imagination and increase your vibration, therefore connecting you with the universe.

The Law of Attraction or Assumption states that your thoughts become your reality. By thinking of the person you want to become, you are determining your reality in the future. To make this happen, you must add emotion. Since sex is our most powerful emotion, it is the key to your creative imagination. Your creative imagination is the direct link between you and infinite intelligence.

Final Thoughts

Use sexual energy transfer to increase creativity. I often say, that before a session of meditation/visualization, I think about the first time I saw my wife. This image invokes much emotion and puts me in the perfect mindset to increase my creative imagination.

I hope everyone increases their creativity, and I appreciate everyone that visits my site. Please continue to like, follow, and comment. I would love to know your thoughts on this topic of sexual energy transfer.

Comfort Zone

The other day I was thinking about those psychological barriers we put on ourselves called comfort zones. Those areas or events which we feel good when we are there. The comfort zone is our safe place. It is where we feel warm and fuzzy. Nothing can happen to us when we are in our comfort zone.

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Your Comfort Zone

For most people, their comfort zone is their home. You feel safe and comfortable inside your home. You can control what goes on there. On the other hand, if you leave your home, you lose control. When you walk into a building you have never been inside, you can feel nervous and uneasy. That warm and fuzzy feeling inside is no longer there. Your senses are heightened because you are outside of your comfort zone.

You create your comfort zone in your mind. It is a mental boundary you have created based on your past experiences. Everyone has a different one. Some are small, and some are quite extensive. Some people are only comfortable inside their homes, but not everyone. If they relate their home to previous bad experiences, it will not be comfortable for them.

The Mind

Your brain is designed for survival and to keep you safe. It creates these boundaries based on your experiences. Negative experiences as a child manifest as fear. Those experiences would become fearful to you and would be outside of your comfort zone.

That is all your comfort zone is, boundaries. Your mind has created these boundaries to avoid the fear that you manifested. You are born with only two fears. The fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. All other fears you manifest and all fears can be controlled.


If you decide to expand your comfort zone, it is a painful process. You have to overcome years of boundaries formed in your mind. Your fears will have to be faced, but you can do it. An excellent way to describe your comfort zone is to think about a dog and an electric fence.



When my wife and I were in Colorado, I noticed our friends’ neighborhood had no fences to separate the properties. In Florida, almost everyone builds fences around their property. I inquired as to why they did not build fences. The reason is that they have herds of elk, deer, and even the occasional bear wandering through the neighborhood. Therefore, the HOA outlawed fences.


Our friends have two large dogs, so they put an underground electric fence as a boundary. The dogs can run around the yard, but if they try to leave they get a mild electric shock. This teaches them how far they can go. Inside the underground fence is the dog’s comfort zone. It becomes painful when they try to go outside of this boundary. You are no different. You have created a boundary that becomes painful when you go outside it.

The dogs manifest a fear of the edge of the property. When they try to leave, they feel the discomfort of the collar and go back to their comfort zone. They are happy in there. This area is their warm and fuzzy place.

Expanding Their Horizons

What happens when one dog decides they want to expand their horizons and leave? Maybe the dog is a male and sees a beautiful female dog a few houses away. First, they would slowly approach the edge, receive the shock, and jump back. Their desire to meet this female is strong. Instead of going back to their comfort zone, this time the dog stays and tries again.

Each time they receive the shock, it gets less painful. The dog is becoming comfortable being uncomfortable. With each try, the dog gets farther and farther until they break free of the pain. They now have new areas to explore and sniff. New experiences are waiting for them, along with the female dog.


Was it painful? Yes! Why didn’t they go back to their comfort zone? Because their reason for wanting to get out of the yard (the female) was bigger and more powerful than the pain. As a result, they expanded their comfort zone.

If your reason for wanting to change your life is larger than the pain of leaving your comfort zone, you will do it. Slowly begin doing the things you are not comfortable doing. Try to do it a little at a time and the pain and discomfort will diminish. You will be expanding your comfort zone. You might even break free of it altogether.

Self-improvement is painful. You have to face your fears and deal with the past; your past has shaped you into the person you are today. You have the power to improve your future. Break out of your comfort zone for yourself and your family. Start doing those little things today!




15 Habits That Will Make You Wealthy

Most people in the world are not wealthy. It is said that 96% of the wealth in the world is created by 1% of the population. When you look at this statistic, what do you see? I see opportunities. We live in an unlimited universe. Each one of us can create wealth. You can increase your wealth by changing your thoughts and developing new habits. Below are 15 habits that will make you wealthy.

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15 Habits Of The Wealthy

What is wealth? Wealth is an abundance of valuable material possessions or resources. Wealth is subjective. What you consider wealth could be different from what I do. Is it a certain amount of money? For some, the answer is yes. For me, I relate wealth to being financially independent.

Financial independence means the following three things in my mind. First, it means time. You no longer trade time for money. You can now spend more time doing the things you love. We all have the same amount of time each day, 1440 minutes. How do you spend yours? Second, it creates options. You are no longer limited to doing things based on price. Eat at the most expensive restaurants and order what you want. Finally, financial independence means peace. Unexpected situations will arise in life. If money is not a problem, these situations are easier to manage.

Wealth Mindset

What is the difference between people with wealth and others? It comes down to one thing, your mindset. Do you have a wealth mindset or a poverty mindset? Begin to cultivate a money mindset. To do that, you must change and become a different person. You have to leave the old you behind. Create thoughts seeing how you want to live in the future. Visualize these thoughts. Your thoughts will become your reality. Eliminate negativity from your life and create new habits.


15 Habits

Here are 15 habits that will make you wealthy:

  1. They always have a vision. They know what they want and visualize it daily. Their definite purpose is always on their mind.
  2. The wealthy do not work for money. They have learned how to make money work for them. Trading time for money will provide you with a good life but not a great one.
  3. They eat healthy & exercise. Taking care of their bodies gives them more energy to be productive.
  4. Wealthy individuals live in the future. They know that their current thoughts will become their reality. It doesn’t matter where you came from; it’s where you’re going.
  5. Rich people are not afraid to fail. Failure is part of the process of becoming wealthy. They learn from their failures until they succeed.
  6. They wake up early. This gives them time to think and meditate. It prepares their mind for the challenges of the day.
  7. Wealthy people give thanks every day. They show gratitude for what they have and realize it can be taken away.
  8. The rich don’t waste time with television or social media. They realize that the negativity that comes from all forms of media. 70% watch an hour or less a day.
  9. They love to read. The wealthy spend time every day reading and expanding their minds. Develop a habit of reading daily for self-improvement.
  10. The wealthy have mentors. They develop a mastermind group to help them gain knowledge that they don’t have.
  11. Goal setting is a priority. They set goals, develop a plan, and work towards accomplishing their goals.
  12. They eliminate negativity in their life. This includes thoughts, habits, and/or people. Hanging onto negative people gets you nowhere.
  13. Wealthy individuals are always learning. They learn how to manage their finances and daily lives. Most importantly, they learn how to market themselves.
  14. They believe in abundance. Our universe provides an unlimited supply for everyone. The wealthy have learned how to tap into that supply.
  15. They make each day productive and driven by results. So much of your day can be occupied by nonproductive activities. Wealthy people avoid them.

Are You Satisfied?

Men and women who are financially independent do things differently than those who aren’t. By creating the same habits in your life, you can begin to change. Your habits have gotten you to where you’re at right now. If you’re satisfied, keep doing what you’re doing. To improve your situation, begin filling your day with these 15 habits that will make you wealthy.

If this post is helpful to you in any way, please leave a comment and let me know your thoughts on it. If it wasn’t your cup of tea, let me know also. I’m always looking to improve, and your comments help.


Mastermind Definition And Power

I am continuing to talk about the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Today I will discuss the ninth step, Power of the Mastermind, The Driving Force. Do not try to accomplish anything alone. Acquiring power by the Mastermind Principle will help you to attain your goals. Listen to my Podcast above to learn about the Mastermind Definition and Power.

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Mastermind Definition And Power

Power is essential for success. It is defined in many different ways. One definition of power is; power is organized and directed knowledge. Napoleon Hill believed in acquiring power by the Mastermind Principle, which helps you gain the knowledge you need for success. The sources of knowledge are:

1. Infinite Intelligence;

2. Accumulated Experience; and

3. Experiment and Research.


Infinite Intelligence comes from the universe and allows you to use your creative imagination to gain knowledge. You can acquire this knowledge through meditation and prayer. Accumulated Experience comes from tapping into the knowledge that others have shared. This knowledge is contained in libraries, the Internet, etc. Experiments and Research are conducted to gain new knowledge. When knowledge is not available through accumulated experience you can find it through experiment and research.

Converting Knowledge Into Power

Knowledge converts into power by organizing it into definite plans and expressing those plans through action. Develop a burning desire for your definitive purpose. Create a plan to obtain it. Put your plans into motion through everyday action. Your knowledge becomes powerful and more knowledge becomes available to you.

The Definition Of Mastermind

Hill tells us the Mastermind definition is the coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people for the attainment of a definite purpose. The Mastermind Principle has two characteristics:

1. Economic;

2. Psychic or Spiritual.

The economic characteristic is simple and straightforward. It is economically advantageous to surround yourself with the advice and knowledge of other people. If you want to create wealth, get advice from a wealthy person.

The psychic or spiritual characteristic is more difficult to comprehend. When two minds come together a third force is created. This becomes like a third mind. A human mind is a form of energy. When two minds come together it forms an affinity or a marriage.



Energy is the building block of everything created. Nature can translate energy into matter. Matter is a physical substance that occupies space and possesses mass. This is distinct from mind and spirit.

As humans, we build through our thought processes. By creating a Mastermind group, our brains tap into more knowledge, therefore, becoming more powerful. Think of your brain as a battery. A group of batteries is more powerful than one. Therefore, a group of brains creates more power than a single brain alone.

Henry Ford

A great example of acquiring power by the Mastermind Principle is Henry Ford. When Ford went into business, he was poor, illiterate, and ignorant. Despite this, within ten years, he had overcome all these shortcomings. Twenty-five years after he started, he became one of the richest men in America.

After becoming friends with Thomas Edison, his business grew in leaps and bounds. His most outstanding accomplishments did not occur until after he met Henry Firestone, John Burroughs, and Luther Burbank. Henry Ford is a prime illustration of acquiring power by the Mastermind Principle.

Final Thoughts

Throughout history, men and women have utilized the Mastermind Principle to increase the power of their minds and accomplish great things. If you do not find yourself progressing in obtaining your goals, look for someone to join you. Set a goal, develop a plan, and put action into your plan. Maintain harmony within your group and watch your progress grow.

I hope you enjoyed this post and podcast, Mastermind Definition And Power. Don’t forget to like, follow, and comment. I would like to know if anyone has utilized the Mastermind Principle and what your results were. Also, subscribe to my email list and podcast.

4 Steps To Becoming Persistent

I am continuing to talk about the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Today I will discuss the eighth step, Persistence, The Sustained Effort Necessary To Induce Faith. Once you turn belief into faith you will become unstoppable. Faith is an essential ingredient to accomplishing your goals and dreams. These 4 steps to becoming persistent will change your life.

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Hill states that persistence is an essential factor in changing desire into its monetary equivalent. The basis of persistence is willpower. Titans of industry are often described as cold-blooded and ruthless. This is because they have the willpower to obtain their objectives. Henry Ford was described this way because of his habit of following through on all his plans with persistence.

Most people will quit and give up on their dreams at the first sign of failure. They lack the willpower and persistence to carry on when things are not going well. Many people are motivated to change their situation, but few have the discipline to work at it day after day without seeing results. The small percentage who live on their terms and have achieved financial independence have persistence.

Your WHY

These are the ones who begin with a desire to change their lives. They have a reason to make that change, the WHY. If their WHY is big enough, they will fight through every obstacle and be persistent in the pursuit of their desire. Persistence, when nothing seems to be working, will build the belief that they can change. As they continue being persistent, their belief will turn into faith. The ones who quit will never know what it is like to have faith. What does persistence mean? It means working on your plan every day until you build faith.

What To Do?

So what do you do if you are weak in persistence? Firstly, you can set up a schedule and make sure that you work toward your desire every day. Doing anything is better than doing nothing. Probably the best method of becoming persistent is to set up a mastermind group. A person or persons in your group will help you stay on track. The group will be able to keep each other accountable.

Some Days I Feel Like This

Your Group

At the beginning of the year, I was very persistent. I was working towards my goals every day. One of the members of my mastermind group and I formed an accountability circle. We would talk every Monday and discuss the things we did during the week towards accomplishing our goals. It made persistence very easy because neither one of us wanted to disappoint the other. What does persistence mean? It means forming a mastermind group to keep each other accountable and on track.

There is no substitute for persistence. It is important to remember at the beginning of your journey towards change. In this time, when everything is difficult and slow, you might experience many failures. Through persistence, you recognize these failures as steppingstones to success. It will keep you from becoming disheartened and giving up, which is the ultimate failure.

Money Mindset

To obtain wealth or financial freedom, you will have to develop a money mindset. If you are struggling financially, it is because you have a poverty mindset. You focus more on bills and debt than you do on ways to increase your income. A money mindset is developed through persistent effort. Thinking, speaking, and visualizing your financial freedom daily will change your situation.

Our subconscious mind works every day, all day. It is working when you are sleeping, and it is working when you are awake. It is picking up your words and thoughts and translating them into your reality. To change your reality, you must be persistent in your words and thoughts. Speaking positive affirmations and wealth affirmations every day will reprogram your subconscious mind.


Persistence will lead to the discovery of new techniques and strategies in which to accomplish your desire. Persistent thoughts of wealth will lead to direct discoveries via the Internet or books etc. It will also lead to indirect discoveries such as social media posts, emails, meeting new people, etc. Being persistent in pursuing your desire will open you up to the unlimited universe we live in.

4 Steps To Becoming Persistent

Hill describes four simple steps to develop the habit of persistence. These four little steps can have an enormous change in your lifestyle. The four steps are:

  1. A WHY. Your definite purpose is coupled with a burning desire to accomplish it.
  2. A definite plan to which you consistently apply action.
  3. Closing your mind to all negative and discouraging influences.
  4. Allying with one or more persons to keep you accountable.

That is it; that is all it takes to develop a habit of persistence. Once you develop this habit, your belief will grow until you develop faith. When you know the feeling of faith you will know that nothing can stop you from achieving your desire. Your life is going to change for the better; it is just a matter of time. Do these 4 Steps To Becoming Persistent. What is the meaning of persistence? It’s quite simple. Persistence equals SUCCESS.





The Advantages Of Teamwork

What is your preferred way to handle a project? Do you like to tackle it as an individual or as a member of a team? There are many advantages and disadvantages to each. At times, I prefer to handle a project alone. In contrast, I am a big proponent of teamwork for certain projects. Let’s talk about the advantages of teamwork.

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Advantages Of Teamwork

Before I go over the advantages of teamwork, we need to consider some factors. Different projects present different challenges. Before you decide on tackling something individually or as a team, you should ask yourself some questions. Is the problem/task simple or complex? Do you have the specialized knowledge to complete it alone? If not, how many members do you need for your team? Do they know how to complete the task?

There are many advantages and disadvantages of forming a team. Some of the advantages of teamwork are:

  1. A team is better for brainstorming new ideas;
  2. Team members will motivate each other;
  3. If a team member is ill or out for some time, productivity continues;
  4. Members can work on different sections of the project at the same time. Therefore, the project/task can be completed sooner;
  5. Team members will bring specialized knowledge to the team.


When you first begin a project, you probably don’t have all the knowledge on how to get it completed. Other people have knowledge that you do not possess. Therefore, by forming a team, you can have a brainstorming session for new ideas. These new ideas that the team has brainstormed will show you different ways of completing your project.


If you are like me, you have days where you are just not motivated. These days, it takes discipline to even work on your project. It is hard to be motivated every day as an individual. Team members motivate each other. It’s a lot easier to perform a difficult task if you know somebody is counting on you. Team members should always raise each other.



Working on a project is easy when you are feeling great. It is another story when you wake up ill. A sickness can stop you from working on your project for many days. When this happens, your team members will pick up the slack for a member that is out. The team’s productivity and momentum don’t stop.


Working as an individual generally means working on one aspect of the project at a time. This can increase the time it takes to complete the project. When you have a team, each member can work on different sections. By working on different sections at the same time, your project will be completed sooner.

Specialized Knwledge

No one has all the knowledge necessary to complete a complex task. Your team members will bring different knowledge to the table. Each member will have specialized knowledge that you might not possess. This specialized knowledge will be necessary for accomplishing your goals. For example, you might be an excellent business person but do not know design. You won’t be able to sell your product until you design it. Your team members will bring that knowledge to your business.


Before I go, I want to touch on an important aspect of teamwork. It’s the word harmony. A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. If a team member is creating disharmony, your project will fail. So, when selecting your team members, take care and select the best. Make your selections based on knowledge, work ethic, and most importantly, their ability to work in a team.





What Matters More?

Developing the right habits is essential if you want to change your situation. Doing the same things that you are currently doing will get you nowhere. You must change your mindset. This includes developing new habits. If you are having trouble developing new habits, remember this question. What matters more?

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Kobe Responded, What Matters More?

A great story to illustrate this point comes from the late, great Kobe Bryant. He was being interviewed by a reporter who was questioning him about what time he wakes up. When Kobe told him he wakes up at 3 AM to get to the gym at 4 AM, the reporter was stupefied. Why so early? He asked. Kobe replied because my competitor gets to the gym at 5 AM.

The reporter couldn’t believe Kobe would wake up so early. He said, don’t you like to sleep? I know I do. Kobe didn’t reply, so the reporter asked him if this was a trait with which he was born. Did his father wake up early? Kobe replied, no. Then how do you get up so early, he asked? Calmly, Kobe responded, it comes down to what matters more.

Sleep or Winning

What matters more, sleep or winning? For Kobe, it was winning. He developed the habit of waking up early so he could get in more practice time than his opponents. Whatever type of person you want to become, you must develop new habits. If you desire to be a great athlete, research the habits of great athletes. Are you an artist? Then research habits of great artists. Here is a post about the habits of the wealthy.

Develop New Habits

Developing new habits is difficult. You must be consistent in practicing these new habits. It takes 21 days in a row before a habit will start to form. Some days are going to be more difficult than others. When you go through these days, ask yourself, what matters more?

Stretch Your Comfort Zone

Changing your routine means getting out of that zone of comfort you are currently living in. For example, most successful people wake up early. Just like Kobe, they want to take advantage of every minute of the day. But sleeping is good, and your bed is oh so comfy. You are safe and warm in your bed.


You are feeling so good that it is simple to close your eyes and go back to sleep. At that moment, ask yourself, what matters more? Becoming the person you want to be or going back to sleep? By getting up, you have time to read, meditate, exercise, journal, etc. One decision will change your lifestyle, while the other will keep you where you’re at in life. What matters more?

Irene Sendler

Look at my post about the heroic deeds of Irene Sendler. Irene risked her life during World War II by smuggling Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto. For Irene, what mattered more, was the lives of innocent children over her life.

Are you happy where you are at this point in your life? If not, you must change and begin stretching your comfort zone. Get a little comfortable being uncomfortable. Begin your change by researching and developing the habits of the person you want to become. If you want to improve your relationship, develop habits of people in good relationships. Do you want to be wealthy? Research the habits of rich people. If it becomes difficult to change, remember to ask yourself, what matters more?




Colorado Trip Part 4

Colorado Trip Part 4. Day 5 began with another beautiful sunrise. Our plans today were to make the two-hour trek to Estes Park. Estes Park, Colorado is the home of the Stanley Hotel. The idea to visit the Stanley Hotel was given to me by my sister. She is a big Stephen King fan.

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Our Trip To Colorado Part 4

The Stanley Hotel inspired King to write his book, The Shining. He stayed in room 217 while writing the book. I’m not much of a Stephen King fan, but I knew of the Stanley from watching shows about the paranormal. The Stanley is supposed to be one of the most haunted places in America.

You Don’t See This From The Highways

Once again, we were provided with a route among the backroads to get to Estes Park. The drive was stunning as we were driving through a gorge with walls of rock on either side of the road. Arriving in the town of Blackhawk, I was surprised by the many casinos. It is a mini Las Vegas in Colorado.

The Stanley Hotel

Looking For Ghosts

As we pulled into Estes Park, we saw the hotel on our left. It was huge. It is a beautiful, all-white building with a red roof. We pulled up to the gate, paid our parking fee, and parked at the bottom of the hill. Walking up the steps to the lobby, we kept our eyes open for ghostly apparitions. I can confidently say that we didn’t see any.

Because the Stanley Hotel is a working hotel and a tourist destination, only guests are allowed above the first floor. I overheard the employee behind the front desk say that all the room keys on the wall were fake except for room 217. That was the original key. We proceeded downstairs to a little café where we drank hot chocolate, and I had a piece of cherry pie.

A Great Historical Tour

I had booked a historical tour of the hotel, which is well worth the money. During the tour, we were told that the founder F. O. Stanley had grown up in a lower to middle-income family. During that time in history, people had to sit still for 45 minutes to an hour to get their picture taken. Stanley figured out a way to reduce the time down to 45 seconds to a minute. He noticed a pain point and figured out a solution. This made him very wealthy.

Within a few months, he was making over $100,000 a month. Today that would be equal to $3 million a month. Stanley’s home is just down the road from the hotel. He built the hotel to house his wealthy friends when they came to visit him. His friends were named Vanderbilt, Rockefeller, Carnegie, all the wealthiest people of the day.

Did Jim Carrey See A Ghost?

During the tour, we were told various stories of people having paranormal events while staying at the hotel. One of the stories was of Jim Carrey. Carrey was supposed to stay in room 217 while filming the movie, Dumb and Dumber. He only lasted three hours when he ran downstairs in his boxers, demanding to be moved. He refused to stay in any building on the grounds, instead opting for the Holiday Inn down the street.

After our tour, we ate at the hotel restaurant and whiskey bar. The food was tasty, and I chose a rare Japanese whiskey which was very smooth. The bar was used in the film, Dumb and Dumber and even has the New York Times article about the first moon landing hanging on the wall (not the original, it was stolen).

No Way. That’s Great. We Landed On The Moon!!

The Blue Owl

After purchasing some items at the gift shop, we began our drive back to the B&B. This time we went through the city of Boulder and then stopped at the town of Nederland. We were told about the Blue Owl bookstore/ice cream/coffee shop. On our way to Estes Park, it had been closed. Luckily for us, it was open, and we enjoyed a nice cone. It was a great way to end the day.

Day 6

Day 6 was spent in the ski resort town of Breckenridge. Breckenridge is a beautiful town, but a little too touristy for my taste. We traveled there with Sofia’s friends and saw bison on the way. We ate at a busy restaurant, and I enjoyed a bison burger. It is very lean meat and tasty. Afterward, we boarded a gondola which took us to the top of the mountain. We looked up at the ski slopes, which would soon be covered in snow. Today though, they are covered in grass, and people traverse them on mountain bikes.


Our last full day in Colorado ended with us pulling into our friend’s neighborhood and being greeted by 40-50 elk. They were all over her neighborhood grazing. What a sight! Colorado is a different place to live. To be continued.

Making A Decision Will Defeat Procrastination

I am continuing to talk about the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Today I will discuss the seventh step, Decision, The Mastery of Procrastination. I am sure that you, like me, have faced that evil known as procrastination. To be successful and to build wealth, procrastination is an enemy you must conquer. Making a decision will defeat procrastination.

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A Decision Defeats Procrastination

If you’re looking for self-improvement, you will need to change some of the habits that you are currently doing. You will have to decide to change. Congratulations, you are halfway to success! You see, making the right decision is 50% of the solution. The other 50% is commitment. You have to commit to your decision to change.

Back in the 1930s when Hill was writing his book, a study was undertaken with 25,000 men and women who had experienced failure. They came up with a list of 30 major causes of failure. Lack of decision was near the head of the list. Indecision causes procrastination and making a decision will defeat procrastination. Conversely, each of several hundred people who had accumulated fortunes had the habit of reaching a decision promptly. Also, successful people would take their time in changing their decision.

Don’t Be Influenced When Making Decisions

The majority of people who fail are easily influenced by the opinion of others. They permit the media and other people to do their thinking for them. Opinions are the most abundant thing on earth. Everyone has one and, they can be as different as night and day. You will not succeed if you take into account the opinion of others.

Your mind is yours and only yours; reach your own decisions. Keep them to yourself and discuss them with only like-minded individuals, such as your Master Mind group. When researching to gather information for your decision, do so without disclosing your purpose.


How Do You Know?

How do you know when the decision you made is the right decision? That is a difficult question to answer because you won’t know the answer until you have succeeded or failed. You have to listen to those inner voices. If your decision makes you feel happy and it is the right decision. On the other hand, if you feel cautious or negative, you should reconsider your decision.

In most cases, making the right decision is not that difficult. Deciding to solve a challenge in your life is personal. These are decisions for your self-improvement. A personal decision affects you and the people close to you. Some decisions not only affect the person making the decision but also have an impact on many others.

Great Decisions In History

Throughout history, people have been tasked with making decisions that changed history. Abraham Lincoln decided to issue the Proclamation of Emancipation. General Dwight Eisenhower decided to launch the D-Day invasion. Last July, I wrote an article about 56 men who made one of the greatest decisions of all time. They signed the Declaration of Independence knowing that it could potentially cost them their lives.

Making the right decision always takes courage, some more than others. It may not cost you your life but, it could cost you your health or financial independence. Making the right decision to improve your income or health comes with a price. You never get anything without giving up something. As long as you’re willing to pay the price, your decision for self-improvement could be the greatest decision you make.

Decide Today

Speaking of great decisions, decide today what you are worth. Now that you know your value go out and get what you are worth. Never settle for anything less. Lock that number in your mind and think about it every day. Don’t stop until you reach your value. Too many people today settle for what they are given and not what they’re worth.

Be quick in your decisions and slow in changing them. Don’t be influenced by the opinion of others or the media. Have the courage to make your decision for self-improvement. Decide what you are worth and get it. Remember, making a decision will defeat procrastination.

Do you find yourself procrastinating? Are you influenced by the opinion of others? Let me know your thoughts in the comments section. As always, I appreciate your likes, comments, and follows. Let me know if there is a  topic you would like me to cover in future articles.


