Today Is A Great Day

Today is a great day! I write this statement at the beginning of every journal entry, which I write on most days. Some entries are short and some are long. They consist of the thoughts in my head at the time I sit down to write. Journaling has helped me to enjoy writing, and some of my journal entries will become articles I write for my blog.

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Is Today A Great Day?

Is today a great day? If so, why? Is it a true statement, or am I just wishing it will turn out to be a great day? For me, it is a true statement. Every day is a great day, no matter what happens. It is great because I choose to see the greatness in every day.

My eyes opened this morning, and I think that is pretty great. When I was in the military, we were always greeted at Zero Dark Thirty with the statement, every day above ground is a great day. This saying has stuck with me throughout my life. Therefore, today is a great day.

Smile Today

People tend to take life for granted. They forget about the fragility of the human body. Everyone is a heartbeat away from death. It is not something people want to think about, but it is true. I have had friends die from a heart attack in their 40s, and I have had family members last into their 90s.

We don’t know how long we have. Make the most of your life. Make the most of every day. Today is a great day, live it to its fullest. Write a list of things you want to do and begin crossing off the events as you do them. When you have crossed everything off, write another list.

Find Your Happiness

Do activities that make you happy. Travel to places you want to see. Learn to do something you have always wanted to do but never found the time. Be creative, write, draw, paint, whatever your heart desires.

today-great-day-child-smiling-covered- in-paint

Focus on the positive aspects of your life and see the beauty in everything. Look at every day as a great day. It is your choice how you tackle each day. Dreading what you have to do or smiling even if the task is unpleasant for you.

Be Positive

Do not worry and create anxiety picturing a dark future. Tell yourself that no matter what happens, you will handle it. What if something bad does happen today? Is today a great day? Yes, it can be if you approach it with a positive outlook. Negative events are just challenges for you to overcome. You will become stronger and wiser from them. Look at all the great things that come from pressure; diamonds, wine, olive oil.

You can overcome any and everything that life throws at you. My life has not always been easy. I don’t know anyone who has never had setbacks in life. Before, I allowed these negative things to control my life by worrying about them. Worry and anxiety never helped me out. Despite this, I somehow made it through each setback.

Keep Going

Whenever you are going through tough times, keep going. Continue to move forward. Do the activities that bring you the most pleasure. Tell yourself that today is a great day and choose to make it a great day.

My daughters are at the age where they are beginning to understand that life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. They are trying to establish themselves financially. When they feel they are getting ahead, an unexpected debt comes in. As long as they keep the right mental attitude, they will deal with it and move forward. Sometimes, I have to remind them that God doesn’t give us more than we can handle.

I hope that today is a great day for you. If you are going through tough times, choose to make it a great day. Look at the big picture and focus on the positive aspects of your life. Don’t wait to do all the things that you want to do. No one is promised tomorrow.
