
Definition Of A Growth Mindset

The definition of a growth mindset is you believe your talents can be developed through hard work and good strategies. In comparison, the definition of a fixed mindset is you believe your talents are innate, they cannot be improved upon.

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Changing To A Growth Mindset

Change is inevitable. You go through many transitions as you advance in life. There are some changes that you cannot control, for example, aging; we are getting older by the minute. Other changes are completely under your control. A good example is your financial situation. By learning to control your thoughts, you can control your bank account. You have to go through different transitions before this is possible. Changing to a growth mindset take time, but it is worth it.

If you are happy with your current situation, whether that be financial, spiritual, or just life in general; great. God bless you and keep doing what you’re doing. If not, then you will have to go through transitions to a growth mindset to change. I have gone through many transitions in my life. They all have one thing in common. See if you can figure out what that is.

High School

I enjoyed my high school years. I was a popular student, part of athletic teams, and even was elected as a class officer. As good as those years were, I had to transition when I became a college student. Mentally, I had to destroy my high school life. I had to hang up my letter jacket and become a college student.


After graduating from college, I became an officer in the U.S. Army. Once again, I had to transition from a college student to an Army officer. I stored my college life in my mind and immersed myself as a soldier.

Lots and Lots Of Pushups

Military Service

After leaving the Army, I became a Special Agent with DEA. For me to become the best investigator I could be, I mentally left the soldier behind. I grew my hair long and stopped wearing military clothing. DEA was about conducting narcotics investigations and going undercover.


Many agents never accomplished this. They kept the military haircut and clothing. A lot ended up in training because it was like the Army. It was their comfort zone, and they didn’t want to leave it. They weren’t willing to destroy their old self and transition to a new one.

Finally, Retirement

After 30 years, I had to make another transition into retirement. It was difficult, as I had to leave my career behind. My career was my identity. The thing I missed was the daily social interaction and the excitement. I knew that I would have to put my DEA life in the memory bank and move on.

I transitioned my mindset to that of a businessman and opened businesses. My DEA self was destroyed and that life became a memory. People ask if I miss it; my reply is always; no. Like all the other times I changed, they were great while they were happening, and I’ll always have fond memories. To grow, I had to move forward.

Destroy Your Old Mindset

If you want to have a better life, you must destroy your old mindset. You will go through transitions to a growth mindset. It will be necessary to immerse yourself in your new life. Your old life might have been okay, but you will need to give up your old habits completely.

Change Is Not Easy

Beginning to transition to a growth mindset isn’t easy. Your brain is wired for survival and will do everything to keep you in your comfort zone. It will always resist change. For this reason, the transition takes time. I know no one wants to hear that because we live in a fast-food society. You are used to getting your food right away or ordering from Amazon and getting what you ordered the next day.

These transitions to a growth mindset will require you to do a self-analysis. I wrote a post about negative traits which will stop you from growing. Look at yourself and see if you are holding on to any negative habits. One negative habit that will sabotage your efforts is gossip. Stop talking about other people.


Understanding the definition of a growth mindset will help you improve. To grow, you must transition from a poverty mindset to a mindset of abundance. You know you have a poverty mindset when you’re thinking about the negative things in your life. For example, your primary thoughts are your debt, toxic relationship, or life situation.

To achieve a mindset of abundance, you will go through the process of change.

You will make a decision and commit to it.

See yourself as who you want to be, not as who you are.

Speak positive affirmations daily.

If you have negative thoughts, immediately begin speaking and thinking the opposite.

Don’t expect immediate change.

After time you will see the transitions in your daily life.

You will begin believing in your new life.

Your belief will turn into faith.

You will never quit.

If you have any comments on the definition of a growth mindset, please reply to the comments section below. If you liked it, tap the like button.


Transitions To A Growth Mindset

Change is inevitable. You go through many transitions as you advance in life. There are some changes that you cannot control, for example, aging. You are all getting older by the minute. Other changes are completely under your control. A good example is your financial situation. By learning to control your thoughts, you can control your bank account. You have to go through different transitions before this is possible. These transitions to a growth mindset take time, but they are worth it.

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Going Through Transitions

If you are happy with your current situation, whether that be financial, spiritual, or just life in general; great. God bless you and keep doing what you’re doing. If not, then you will have to go through transitions to a growth mindset to change. I have gone through many transitions in my life. They all have one thing in common. See if you can figure out what that is.

Transitioning To A Growth Mindset

I enjoyed my high school years. I was a popular student, part of athletic teams, and even was elected as a class officer. As good as those years were, I had to transition when I became a college student. Mentally, I had to destroy my high school life. I had to hang up my letter jacket and become a college student.

After graduating from college, I became an officer in the U.S. Army. Once again, I had to transition from a college student to an Army officer. I stored away my college life in my mind and immersed myself as a soldier.


After leaving the Army, I became a Special Agent with DEA. For me to become the best investigator I could be, I mentally left the soldier behind. I grew my hair long and stopped wearing military clothing. DEA was about conducting narcotics investigations and going undercover.

Many agents never accomplished this. They kept the military haircut and clothing. A lot ended up in training because it was a lot like the Army. It was their comfort zone and they didn’t want to leave it. They weren’t willing to destroy their old self in transition to a new one.


The Hardest Transition

After 30 years, I had to make another transition into retirement. It was difficult, as I had to leave my career behind. My career was who I was. The daily social interaction and the excitement were what I missed most. I knew that I would have to put my DEA life in the memory bank and move on.

Opening businesses, I transitioned my mindset to that of a businessman. I destroyed my DEA self and that life became a memory. People ask if I miss it; my reply is always; no. Just like all the other times I transitioned, they were great while they were happening and I’ll always have fond memories. To grow, I had to move forward.

Destroy The Old

If you want to have a better life, you must destroy your old mindset. You will go through transitions to a growth mindset. It will be necessary to immerse yourself in your new life. Your old life might have been okay but you will need to give up your old habits completely.

It Isn’t Easy

Beginning to transition to a growth mindset isn’t easy. Your brain is wired for survival and will do everything to keep you in your comfort zone. It will always resist change. For this reason, the transition takes time. I know no one wants to hear that because we live in a fast-food society. You are used to getting your food right away or ordering from Amazon and getting what you ordered the next day.

These transitions to a growth mindset will require you to do a self-analysis. I wrote a post about negative traits which will stop you from growing. Look at yourself and see if you are holding on to any negative habits. One negative habit that will sabotage your efforts is gossip. Stop talking about other people.

Steps To A New You

To grow, you must transition from a poverty mindset to a mindset of abundance. You know you have a poverty mindset when you’re thinking about the negative things in your life. For example, your primary thoughts are your debt, toxic relationship, or your life situation.

To achieve a mindset of abundance, you will go through the process of change.

You will make a decision and commit to it.

See yourself as who you want to be, not as who you are.

Speak positive affirmations daily.

If you have negative thoughts, immediately began speaking and thinking the opposite thought.

Don’t expect immediate change.

After time you will see the transitions in your daily life.

You will begin believing in your new life.

Your belief will turn into faith.

You will never quit.

If you have any comments on transitions to a growth mindset, please reply to the comments section below. If you liked it, tap the like button. Consider following my site; many new things are coming at

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I Was Changed For The Better

It’s a new year full of promises. My goals are set, and my plans are in place. Now it is time to put the work in as the journey to success begins. Seeds that I planted last year are beginning to emerge. All the work I put in last year will start to pay off. Everything I did in the past transformed me and I was changed for the better.

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Changed For The Better

I have to constantly remind myself to enjoy every step as the journey to success begins. One way I do this is to look back at my journey so far. I asked myself, “How did I get here?” I have always hated writing. In college and during my career with DEA. Even now as one of my sources of income depends on writing reports, I struggle with writing.

So why did I choose to start a blog in April 2020? Why would I want to put down my thoughts on paper when I never could stand writing. The only answer is divine inspiration. It is something I’m supposed to do. My entire life, I have been lead by divine inspiration. I believe that God has a purpose for me to fulfill, and writing seems to be a big part of that.

The Change Begins

Looking back at my life, I grew up as a shy child who lacked confidence. I never felt like I belonged and always looked at other people as better than me. Even though I had many successes, I would only focus on the failures. I was constantly looking at the negative things that went on in my life.

As I grew, I constantly found myself in situations that were outside of my comfort zone. These were always situations that I volunteered for, such as trying out for sports teams. I volunteered to join the military and parachute training even though I was scared of heights. I didn’t know how I kept finding myself in these situations. Even though I excelled in my training and was winning awards, I still lacked self-confidence. All of my achievements didn’t matter.


In 2008, I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer and remember asking myself, “What have I done in my life?” Taking a look at my life, I added up all my achievements and my successes. I found peace because I had lived a full life. It is strange to say, but through cancer, I was changed for the better.

I also found my self-confidence, and I stopped caring about other people’s opinions. I focused on myself and began to notice all the “God winks” taking place daily. “God winks” are seemingly coincidental events that happen in our lives. Thinking about someone you haven’t heard from in a long time and they call you. This phone call eventually leads you to someone who becomes a great client.

changed-for-better-two hands-forming-heart-sunset


Fast forward to January 2020, when I became inspired to start an online business to help people. The thought that I needed to pass on lessons that I have learned throughout my life wouldn’t go away. I have learned so much about how the mind works by training and working alongside military special operations operatives. There were people in the world who needed to know what I have learned.

It was then that I started and began doing the one thing that I hated more than anything, writing. I never learned how to type, so when I do, it’s with two fingers. Luckily, I found dictation software, and I don’t have to type, which saves me a lot of time.


Through my journey to success, I began to enjoy blogging. I have built relationships with people throughout the world.  I enjoy cultivating these relationships the most. Relationships are important, and I started using social media to build more relationships. Through these wonderful relationships, I was changed.

Thank You

During my 30 year career with the military and DEA, I was told three times, “thank you,” by strangers. These two little words are powerful and gave me the energy to carry on the fight. In the last nine months, I have been thanked several times and told that my articles have helped people. Whenever I hear I have helped someone, it fills me with energy and keeps me going. Humans are not solitary people, we need interaction and relationships. Relationships need to be tended to so they can flourish. A simple comment like “thank you” goes a long way.

As the journey to success begins, I know I’m here today by divine intervention. I still receive “God winks” frequently. I know there’s more to do. My journey to success has been great, and I have enjoyed it. I was changed for the better. Make sure you enjoy yours and keep your eyes and ears open for your “God winks.”


Imagination Is More Important Than Knowledge

Imagination is more important than knowledge is a bold statement. Last week I talked about specialized knowledge and how to organize and direct knowledge to make it powerful. Today I’m continuing with the 13-steps to gain riches as written in the book, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. In his book, Hill gives us 13-steps to acquire wealth. The same steps and techniques can be used to acquire anything. This is the fifth step, imagination, and how imagination is more important than knowledge.

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The Importance Of Imagination

One of my favorite sayings is, and I say it a lot, is everything begins in the mind. Disneyland, McDonald’s, Apple, great novels, music, and movies all started in someone’s mind. They began as a thought and with imagination became an idea.

Imagination is the workshop where people formulate their plans. The imaginative part of your mind is what spurs you into action. Without imagination, the Wright brothers would have never gotten off the ground and shown us we could fly. You are only limited by the use of your imagination.

Two Forms Of Imagination

There are two forms of imagination in your mind, synthetic and creative. Synthetic imagination creates nothing. It works with the information it is given, your observations, education, and experience. This is where you can organize old concepts into new combinations and plans.

Creative imagination is when your finite mind is connected to Infinite Intelligence. Hunches and inspirations are received by your creative imagination. It only works when your mind vibrates at an exceedingly fast rate, such as when you focus on a strong desire (your definite purpose) and mix it with emotion. It is through emotion that you increase your mind’s rate of vibration.

The Faculty Of Creative Imagination

Great men and women of the world in all walks of life owe their success to the faculty of creative imagination. They knew how to utilize their minds to turn their definite purpose from an idea into reality. Your imagination just like your body becomes stronger with use. Your imagination like your muscles become weaker through inaction.

To achieve your goals, you must first focus on developing your synthetic imagination. It is necessary for forming your plans. Once your plans are in your synthetic imagination you must commit them to paper. Writing your plans is the first step in converting your thoughts into your reality.

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Successful People Use Their Imagination

Ideas are the product of imagination. Imagination is more important than knowledge because knowledge comes from your imagination. Most people, even the most successful, didn’t know how to take their ideas and make them work. They used imagination, both synthetic and creative to transform their ideas into reality.

Use your synthetic imagination to formulate your plans on how to achieve your goals. Develop your creative imagination to provide the inspiration and ideas from Infinite Intelligence. Would you like to be in a better place in life this time next year? If so, find your definite purpose, write down a plan for how to make it happen, and begin developing your imagination. We live in an unlimited universe so anything can happen.


“Imagination” Think and Grow Rich: The Complete Classic Text, by Napoleon Hill, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2008, pp. 113-133.


The Power Of The Unconscious Mind

Our minds are very powerful instruments. It is said that we only utilize 10% of the power of our brains. Think about all the wonderful things man has accomplished with only 10%. Can you imagine the great things we would see if we could tap into the other 90%? Our minds are so powerful that they can store our every thought and emotion. Depending on your thoughts and emotions this can be seen as good or bad. Positive thoughts will lead to a wonderful life. On the other hand, negative thoughts and emotions can hold you back from living your dreams. The power of the unconscious mind is unlimited.

A man is a by-product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes.
~ Mahatma Gandhi

A strong and healthy mind is the foundation of strength needed to conquer all things.
~ Tasha McCray

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Releasing The Negative

The power of the unconscious mind is only limited by your negative thoughts. Luckily, you can release the negative challenges you are having. There are countless benefits you will attain from releasing these negative thoughts and emotions. Some of the negative energy that you hold onto are:
A Limiting Mindset
and more…..

How we fare in any given situation depends on the conduct of our body, speech, and mind. Since the mind is the chief, a disciplined mind is essential.
~ Dalai Lama XIV

Never underestimate the Power of the Mind. Persist in creating new thoughts to prevent falling back into negative patterns. It is an ongoing struggle and you have to commit to winning if you are to succeed.
~ Bob Proctor

The Power Of The Unconscious Mind

I’m currently reading a book titled, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hays that was recommended to me. This is an outstanding book by an accomplished author. Louise Hays believes in positive affirmations and beliefs. By repeating positive affirmations you can release the negative energy stored in your mind. She believes through a daily routine of repeating positive affirmations you can change your health. In her book, she states that you can heal diseases and chronic illnesses through positive affirmations.

Now, I am not 100% convinced that I could heal myself without medicine. I need to conduct more research on this phenomenon. I do know that your body reacts to the thoughts in your mind. If you believe you are going to die, no medicine can save you. I have read stories about people who have healed themselves utilizing only their thought process.

Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.
~ Abraham Lincoln

Any idea, plan, or purpose may be placed in the mind through repetition of thought.
~ Napoleon Hill

Medical Miracles

In the book, The Secret, Dr. John Hagelin, Quantum Physicist, talks about the power of our thoughts. He says, “Our body is the product of our thoughts. We are beginning to understand in medical science the degree to which the nature of thoughts and emotions determines the physical substance and structure and function of our bodies.”

I’m sure you’ve heard of the “placebo effect” and how the power of suggestion affects the outcome of experiments. When you take any type of medicine, you might not know exactly how the medicine works. You still take the medicine because you trust your doctor and believe the medicine will work. How much of your recovery is due to the medicine, and how much is due to your belief?

Believe it can be done. When you believe something can be done, really believe, your mind will find the ways to do it. Believing a solution paves the way to a solution.
~ David J. Schwartz

Convince your mind and you can do anything!
~ Avijeet Das

Cathy Goodman

I also read in, The Secret, about a woman named Cathy Goodman. Cathy Goodman was diagnosed with breast cancer. She truly believed in her heart, with her strong faith, that she was already healed. Every day she would say, “Thank you for my healing.” She believed she was healed and saw herself as if cancer were never in her body.

She would watch very funny movies to combat the stress in her life. She would sit with her husband and laugh. By laughing, she released all her negative energy. Laughter is the best medicine. She couldn’t afford to allow any negative thoughts into her mind while she was trying to heal herself. Cathy was completely healed three months after she was diagnosed. She did not go through any radiation or chemotherapy treatments.

Don’t limit yourself. Many people limit themselves to what they think they can do. You can go as far as your mind lets you. What you believe, remember, you can achieve.
~ Mary Kay Ash

Focused mind power is one of the strongest forces on earth.
~ Mark Victor Hansen

Morris Goodman

Another inspirational story I found in, The Secret is the story of The Miracle Man, Morris Goodman. On March 10, 1981, Morris was piloting an airplane when it developed engine trouble and crashed. His spinal cord was crushed and he was completely paralyzed. He broke the first and second cervical vertebrae, destroying his swallowing reflex. His diaphragm was destroyed and he couldn’t breathe.

All he could do was blink his eyes. The doctor said he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life. That was what the doctors thought, but that wasn’t what Morris thought. He pictured himself being a normal person again, walking out of that hospital. The only thing he had to work with was his mind.


Morris kept thinking, over and over, “Breathe deeply.” He thought this day after day until he was finally weaned from the respirator. The doctors could not provide an explanation for what happened. He set a goal to walk out of the hospital on Christmas day. When Christmas arrived, that’s exactly what he did. He walked out of the hospital on his own two feet. Morris sums up his life with six words, “Man becomes what he thinks about.”

These are just a few stories that demonstrate the unlimited potential of the human mind. As it says in Philippians 4:13, “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.” It doesn’t say that you can do some things or a few things. It says that you can do ALL things. This quote alone shows the unlimited potential of your mind. All you have to do is believe in your heart and give thanks.

Continued in Part II………

Final Thoughts

Thank you for reading, The Power Of The Unconscious Mind. If you have any comments I would like to hear them. Subscribe to my email list by clicking on the button above and receive my checklist to keep you moving forward in attaining your goals.

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Quotes on Faith To Keep You Moving Forward

Going through some of my old posts, I came across one I wrote early on about the anxiety that the current pandemic has caused. I believe anxiety is predominantly caused by the unknown. You don’t know what life is going to be like in the future. Is this just a snapshot of what is to come? Will we have to wear masks and continue social distancing for years to come? Will this virus mutate into something more deadly? All these unanswered questions can create fear and panic within you. How do you handle the situations that occur in life? I hope these quotes on faith will keep you moving forward.

 Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don’t lose faith.
~ Steve Jobs

Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother.
~ Khalil Gibran

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It’s lack of faith that makes people afraid of meeting challenges, and I believed in myself.
 ~ Muhammad Ali

Faith does not eliminate questions. But faith knows where to take them.
~ Elisabeth Elliot

Faith Quotes For Growth

If you have been following some of my blog posts, then you are familiar with the term faith over fear. Faith is what gives me the confidence that I can handle any situation. Faith gives you the confidence that everything will turn out alright. You know that it will work out in your favor. Therefore, you don’t worry about any negative things that happen along the way. Faith is what keeps those irritating “Doubt Demons” locked in their little dark spaces. No matter how bad things are today, you know that tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow can be the day when things take a turn for the better.

50/50 Chance They Would Die

Faith builds your confidence. Fear tears it down. To accomplish great achievements you must carry faith with you. As you begin a new venture it can seem overwhelming, almost impossible. To turn it into a reality you will need confidence in yourself and everyone helping you. Everything is possible with faith.

 There are many talented people who haven’t fulfilled their dreams because they over thought it, or they were too cautious and were unwilling to make the leap of faith.
~ James Cameron

In 1969 we sent three astronauts to the moon. Two of the astronauts, Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin landed and walked on the moon. Michael Collins flew the command capsule. This was a phenomenal feat. When they were given the “green light” to launch in July 1969, many scientists and experts thought we were years away from being ready. It took a lot of faith and confidence from the astronauts, engineers, scientists, and mathematicians to proceed on this historic event. Experts only gave them a 50 percent chance of making it back alive. Now that’s faith and it led to the famous quote below.

 You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.
~ Mahatma Gandhi

July 20, 1969

Faith vs Fear

If the people that were involved in the moon landing had focused on their fears, that event would have never happened. Faith and fear are the same things, a choice. You can choose fear and do nothing or you can choose faith and accomplish great things. Fear will keep you right where you’re at, in your comfort zone. Faith will give you the confidence to control your fears and succeed. When you make that decision to change your life, see the outcome that you want, and have faith that it’s going to happen. Does that mean there won’t be obstacles along the way? No, but faith will get you through them. Focusing on your fears will have you turning around and going back to your old, comfortable life.

God, our Creator, has stored within our minds and personalities, great potential strength, and ability. Prayer helps us tap and develop these powers.
~ A. P. J. Abdul Kalam

Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.
~ Voltaire

An Inspirational Woman

I recently read a blog post that I will link here. I found this post both powerful and inspirational. This young lady has been through financial struggles and just recently got a good job that she enjoys. She is grateful for everything she has but has been thinking about also starting a business. Being grateful is a key factor because if you are not grateful for what you have, how do you expect to be rewarded with something better. I found it inspirational because she set a goal (employment) and conquered her obstacles (financial struggles). She climbed to the top of the mountain but is now seeing a larger mountain to climb. I believe she will tackle this goal with faith, conquer her fears, and do very well.

My faith helps me understand that circumstances don’t dictate my happiness, my inner peace.
~ Denzel Washington

 Our anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but only empties today of its strengths.
~ Charles H. Spurgeon

6 Basic Fears

There are many fears in our minds. The six basic fears that will cause you to fail are:

  1. Poverty
  2. Criticism
  3. Ill Health
  4. Loss of Love
  5. Old Age
  6. Death

Focusing on the fear of poverty will only bring you more debt. Instead, have faith that your financial struggles will end. This will bring about ideas on making more money, getting a promotion, etc.

The fear of criticism is what stops most people from changing their lives. You can be so afraid of what people will think and say about you that you will never begin to change your life. If you are scared of criticism then you value others’ opinions more than you value your dreams. Have total faith in what you are doing.

Fear of contracting COVID 19 has stopped many people in their tracks. Especially at the beginning when many people didn’t want to or couldn’t leave their house. I can understand that. This virus is real and people have died. Have faith that we will beat the disease and return to our normal lives. This will allow you to move forward and accomplish your goals. It will provide you with the inspiration you need to find a way to succeed.

 Worrying is arrogant because God knows what He’s doing.
~ Barbara Cameron

 Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light.
~ Helen Keller

The Negativity Focus

How do you continue or begin to have faith when we are constantly surrounded by fears. We are inundated with negativity every day. The media focuses on negative news more than positive news. Why? Negative news plays on your fears. Fears equal viewers and viewers equal money. The media plays on your fears to keep you watching. If you don’t believe me, live in Florida during hurricane season. If one computer model out of 50 shows it making landfall, that’s the one they focus on.


From Fear To Faith

Building your faith is a matter of changing your mindset from negative to positive. A positive mindset is a growth mindset. It doesn’t focus on fears, only on faith. Speaking positive affirmations every day will grow your mind. You will replace all your fears and self-doubt with faith and self-confidence. Everything that you hear or say is taken in by your conscious mind and you believe it. If all you hear is negative information about the world that is what you will perceive as reality. Positive affirmations will change your thoughts which are stored in your subconscious mind. Anything you picture in your mind your subconscious will turn it into a reality. Therefore, it is only through positive affirmations and visualization that you can control your fears and change your life. Here are some examples.

  • I deserve all the great things that happen to me.
  • My body is healthy.
  • Abundance flows to me because I am open to receive it.
  • I am moving forward and becoming better every day.
  • I have great relationships with all my family members.
  • My businesses are successful and allow me to help many people.
  • I treat people with kindness and joy.

These are just a few examples and you can tailor your affirmations to your situation. Remember to be grateful for what you have and give thanks every day. Always repeat your daily affirmations with love and joy. They must come from a happy place in your mind.

 To have faith is to trust yourself to the water. When you swim you don’t grab hold of the water, because if you do you will sink and drown. Instead, you relax and float.
~ Alan Watts

Final Thoughts

Are your fears holding you back? Are you going to live with a negative fearful mind or a positive mind full of faith? Do you believe you have a growth mindset? If you haven’t joined my email list yet, click on the blue-button above. You will be able to receive my newsletters, e-book, courses, etc. You can find everything you need to grow your self-confidence.

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“This Train Is Moving on, You Can Get on, You Can Get off, But the Train Keeps Moving on! We Are Going to the Top of the Mountain!”

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Becoming An Expert Has Advantages

Would you like to be considered an expert in your field? Who wouldn’t?Becoming an expert in your field comes with some nice perks. What are some of the advantages of being known as an expert? 

  1. You can charge a higher rate.
  2. People have more confidence and trust in you.
  3. It’s easier to grow your client list.
  4. It helps in marketing what you have to offer.
  5. Etc.

“The true soldier fights not because he hates what is in front of him, but because he loves what is behind him.”
~  G.K. Chesterton

“You can do anything as long as you have the passion, the drive, the focus, and the support.”
~ Sabrina Bryan

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Successful People Are Experts

In one of my post-retirement lives I consult for an expert witness. He is an expert in premises liability and policing. He is considered an expert because of the decades of experience he has in his field. Also, he has written several books and papers on the subject of law enforcement. Because of this, he has been certified as an expert by courts throughout the United States. It allows him to charge more and his phone is ringing off the hook.

“You have to be burning with an idea, or a problem, or a wrong that you want to right. If you’re not passionate enough from the start, you’ll never stick it out.” ~ Steve Jobs

“You can’t fake passion.” ~ Barbara Corcoran

People who are considered experts in their field are also some of the most successful. Author Stephen King is an expert in the genre of horror fiction. If you wanted to begin writing horror fiction novels, he would be a good source. In the field of business, Richard Branson would be considered an expert. He has taken a small record store and turned it into several other highly successful businesses. When I’m thinking about American football one name comes to mind, Tom Brady. Because of his success, he would be considered an expert on being a quarterback as well as on becoming a champion.

Always Pointing Forward

Put In The Work

The thing about becoming an expert and being successful is there are no shortcuts. I know today, living in our fast food society, we want everything right now. Unfortunately, striving to be the best takes time. No one is born an expert. Your gift is inside you when you’re born but you must develop that gift. Becoming an expert only happens through training and experience. For instance, It is said that to be an expert at anything you must do it repeatedly for at least 10,000 hours. As an example, when I was a Special Agent with DEA, I was considered an expert in narcotics trafficking and smuggling techniques. I didn’t have that knowledge when I was hired or even after I graduated from the Academy. It took many years of studying and experience to become an expert.

“A great leader’s courage to fulfill his vision comes from passion, not position.” ~ John C. Maxwell

“If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.” ~ Bishop T.D. Jakes

Above, I have listed some of the benefits of being known as an expert. These are reasons why we are willing to put in the required time and sacrifice. It takes more than just putting in the time. It takes passion. Passion is what lights the fire. To be passionate about something gets you out of bed in the morning. It keeps you going when you run into the obstacles and things get hard. This is the reason you need to have a big WHY. You have to be passionate about your WHY.


It also takes Grit, what I call perseverance. It’s only through being persistent that you will ever become successful. All experts are willing to persevere through the struggles and conquer every obstacle presented to them. They do everything they can to move forward. Some days are giant leaps, some days are small steps, but they are always forward. Successful people know that the bigger the obstacle, the harder the struggle, the closer they are to victory. They embrace those difficult days.

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” ~ Harriet Tubman

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”
~ Anthony J. D’Angelo

Growth Mindset

Becoming an expert also requires a growth mindset. The importance of this trait cannot be understated. You must always be growing mentally. You must continually be thinking of your end result and not what is happening at the moment. This will allow you to continually look for ways to improve. You are always moving forward.

“Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things.”
~ Denis Diderot

 “Nothing is as important as passion. No matter what you want to do with your life, be passionate.” ~ Jon Bon Jovi

When I was in the Army, we learned how to make defensive positions, a.k.a. foxholes. When you first arrive, you dig a small hasty defensive position in case you are attacked. Then you begin to dig your foxhole. After the foxhole is dug, and mounds of dirt are placed in front to stop any bullets, you camouflage it. You are constantly looking to improve your foxhole and make it more protective. The longer you’re at that position, the more elaborate and protective it becomes. You are always looking to improve it. You have to do the same with your mindset.


It also takes a team to help you become an expert. Your team becomes your family and will help you persevere. One of the members of your team can become your mentor. Your mentor will teach you what you need to know to succeed. They will be your guide on your journey. Your team must consist of like-minded individuals. They are there to guide you and support you through the difficult times. They must be positive and have the same passion as you do. A negative member of your team can destroy it. The chain is only as strong as its weakest link.


Habits Of Successful People

As I was conducting research for this post, I realized that successful people tend to have the same habits. In his book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill spent 20 years studying the richest and most successful men in America at that time. He came up with 13 qualities that all these men shared. I came upon an article on the website which lists 50 habits of successful people. Here are a few of those habits.

  1. They are early risers.
  2. Meditation is a daily activity.
  3. They have a love of reading.
  4. They spend time on focused thinking.
  5. Exercise is a part of their day.
  6. Their network contains like-minded individuals.
  7. Goal setting is a must.
  8. They don’t rely on a single source of income.
  9. Avoiding things that waste time.
  10. They consider problems as gifts.

“I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious.” 
~ Albert Einstein

Final Thoughts

This is only a few of the habits that successful people share. If you are not where you want to be in life, go through this list and see which habits you need to acquire. Leave a comment below and let me know how you have changed your habits. Subscribe to my email list by clicking on the blue button above and receive my checklist to keep you moving forward in attaining your goals.

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All Aboard!!

“This Train Is Moving on, You Can Get on, You Can Get off, But the Train Keeps Moving on! We Are Going to the Top of the Mountain!”

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Sources Cited:

“50 Habits of Successful People.” Week Plan, 16 Aug. 2019,

Sigmundsson, H., et al. “The Passion Scale: Aspects of Reliability and Validity of a New 8-Item Scale Assessing Passion.” New Ideas in Psychology, Pergamon, 4 July 2019,