
10 Ignore Negativity Quotes

Negativity is everywhere. We are hit by negative talk or actions every day, all day. The news media, social media, sporting events, TV shows, movies, you name it. Life is too short to live in a world of negativity. Life is meant to be happy. You should live your life worry-free. These 10 ignore negativity quotes will help you transform from a negative Nellie to a positive Pete!

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10 Ignore Negativity Quotes

I would like to eliminate all negativity in my life. Unfortunately, that is not possible and might not be possible for you. Therefore, you have to learn to ignore negativity you cannot eliminate.

“Negative people can only infest you with discouragements when they find you around. Just get lost and be saved.”
~ Israelmore Ayivor

What I’m talking about here is negativity that comes from family or coworkers. You might find that you cannot cut these people out of your life. You have to keep seeing them, and when you do, they will spread their negativity around you. Ignore negativity coming from these people. I have included 10 ignore negativity quotes to help you.

5 Tips To Ignore Negativity

You can use these 10 ignore negativity quotes to help you live a more positive life. Negativity in your life will hold you back and keep you from reaching your full potential. Your life will improve once you learn to eliminate or ignore negativity. Here are five tips to ignore negativity.

  1. Turn off your television and phone.
  2. Identify and cut loose toxic relationships.
  3. De-clutter your life.
  4. Exercise daily.
  5. Focus on you.

Turn Them Off!

For me, the vast majority of negativity in my life came from the television and phone. Media and social media inundated my life with negativity constantly. I stopped watching the news and became selective of what shows I watched. I did the same thing with social media. Becoming selective about which platforms I use helped me tremendously.

“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.”
~ Mahatma Gandhi

“The best way of removing negativity is to laugh and be joyous.”
~ David Icke

Like many people, you might not want to eliminate watching the news as I did. If it is negatively affecting you, watch it to be informed but ignore the negative opinions/agendas. The same can be done for social media. Ignore the platforms or posts that tend to spread negativity.



Everyone has people in their life that they can do without. If you have someone at home or work you consider to be toxic, cut them loose. If you can’t cut them loose, learn to ignore their toxicity. Understand what they are doing and how it is affecting you. Immediately after interacting with this type of person, do something positive.

“If you accept the expectations of others, especially negative ones, then you never will change the outcome.”
~ Michael Jordan

“However vast the darkness, we must supply it with our own light.”
~ Stanley Kubrick

Get Rid Of It

My life can get very cluttered and I spend too much time on negative things. Do you find your life is the same? Periodically I like to take a look at my life and de-clutter it. I throw out whatever isn’t helping me grow as a person. If it isn’t something positive, I don’t need it, and out it goes. You will want to eliminate or ignore these things that are cluttering up your life. Doesn’t it feel great when you’ve gotten rid of clutter?

“You can’t think away your self-defeating thoughts; you have to dissolve them through action.”
 ~ Marty Rubin

“There are some people who always seem angry and continuously look for conflict. Walk away; the battle they are fighting isn’t with you, it is with themselves.”
~ Anonymous


One of my favorite things to do to reduce negativity is exercise. I exercise daily; while doing so, I think about positive situations. The negative stuff is not allowed in my mind. Set small goals during your workout. Reward yourself as you hit these small goals. While exercising, listen to music that makes you happy. Get back to nature and take a walk/jog outside. Being outdoors, soaking up the sunshine, and breathing fresh air is very positive.

“I’ll always use the negativity as more motivation to work even harder and become even stronger.”
~ Tim Tebow

“Nobody can motivate himself in a positive direction by continually using negative words.”
 ~ John C. Maxwell

Me Time

In addition to daily exercise, another way I ignore negativity is to set aside time for myself every day. I do this early in the morning; it starts my day off right. Take some time for yourself. Go to a quiet room where you are alone in a positive environment. Control your thoughts and only think positive as you meditate. Fill your lungs as you slowly breathe in and out. Get into a relaxed state and speak positive affirmations. The negative will melt away.

“There are so many great things in life; why dwell on negativity?”
~ Zendaya

I hope you enjoyed this article and it helped in some way. Use these 10 ignore negativity quotes to set up a plan to reduce negative aspects of your life. Don’t forget to like, comment, and follow. I appreciate everyone who reads and follows my blog.


Negative Personality Traits Part 2

In this continuation of my last podcast, I will talk about the power of releasing negative personality traits. By releasing and eliminating these destructive traits you can become a new person. I hope you enjoy, Episode 37 Negative Personality Traits Part 2, and don’t forget to subscribe to my podcast.

In Part I, I talked about the unlimited power of the human mind. I recounted some amazing and inspirational stories of people overcoming severe medical situations only using their minds. Cathy Goodman was diagnosed with cancer and healed herself with her strong beliefs. Morris Goodman was paralyzed in an airplane crash yet walked out of the hospital. He wouldn’t accept that he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life.

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Negative Personality Traits Part 2

In Negative Personality Traits Part 2, I want to talk about how you limit your possibilities by holding onto negative energy. Remember that the human mind is limitless and we can do all things if we believe in our hearts. To put it simply, your thoughts become your actions and your actions become your reality. I am living proof of this.

I believe in positive affirmations. Positive affirmations and changing your thought process will change the person that you are. I know this works because I am a completely different person than I was even a few years ago. Two things were limiting me. First, I was putting a time limit on my change. If it wasn’t happening quickly enough, I would say it didn’t work. Second, I held onto a lot of negative energy.

I Was A Negative Personality Trait

I held a lot of anger inside me but I didn’t know where it came from. There was no reason to feel angry because I was living a very good life. Through many hours of retrospection, I finally realized where my anger was coming from. I lacked self-confidence which was a result of always feeling that I was unworthy. I never felt good enough and always felt everyone else was better than me.

Living in South Florida and having to drive an hour to Miami to work each morning did not help with my anger. If you’ve ever driven in South Florida you know what I mean. South Floridians drive very aggressively and don’t seem to care about anyone but themselves. They will cut in front of you and almost hit you without even a second thought. I arrived at my office every day with an angry disposition. In every situation, I encountered I immediately looked for the negative aspects. I was always thinking negatively.


A New Me

My anger carried on even after my retirement. I remember one day I realized I wasn’t happy and didn’t want to live the rest of my life like this. So I decided to release the negativity in my life. I asked God to take away my anger. When I did I immediately became calmer and felt peace inside of me.

For the most part, I’m able to drive around without getting angry but……… there are times. Anger is hard to eliminate when you have to drive in South Florida. One particular incident happened not long ago and had me backsliding into my old ways.

If you live in a normal state or part of the world, you might not understand this. Drivers in South Florida like to get in the passing or “fast” lane and drive very slow. They do not care and immediately go to the fast lane and plant themselves there for the duration of their trip. They will not move over for anything. Most of the time they are driving the speed limit or below. It got so bad that they had to pass a law and post a minimum speed you can drive on the interstate.

My Calming Factor, My Wife

My wife and I had been visiting our daughter who attends college in Orlando and we were coming home. We were driving south on interstate 95 and I was in the middle lane. The driver to my left was approaching one of these slow drivers. Instead of looking in his mirror to see if the lane was clear he just changed lanes. Luckily, he saw me before he hit me and swerved back.

All that was fine, that’s just part of South Florida driving. What pushed the old nuclear anger button was he decided he would rather hit me than slow down for the car in front of him. With total disregard, he came back into my lane and I had to hit my brakes to avoid a collision. That sent me into a tirade and the backsliding began.

The anger inside me went on for several minutes. My wife who is described as beautiful and vivacious but also a fiery Latina sat there calmly. My favorite way to describe my wife is she is funny. She always makes us laugh. In a very soothing voice, she said,

Scott be like Frozen.

What? I said angrily.

“Let it go.” She said with a straight face. We began laughing and my anger disappeared.

Release your anger, it is just holding you back.

Your Fears

You should also release your fears. Your fears are manifestations of your thoughts. Look into your eyes in a mirror and say, “I release all my fears, I am a strong confident person.” As I’ve said many times I believe in faith over fear. My faith that I will succeed is stronger than my fear that I will not.  If you cannot eliminate your fears you can still control them. Don’t let them control you. Step out of your comfort zone.

“I release all my fears and do not let them control me. My faith is my guiding light.”


Another limiting trait we should release is pride. Be proud of who you are and what you will accomplish. Don’t limit yourself by being prideful. Be humble and thankful in everything. Always treat others as you would want someone to treat you or your family.

“I release my pride. I am humbled and thankful in everything I do.”


You must release resentment. Do not resent others for their success. Never compare yourself to other people. Always be happy for everyone and wish abundance for them. The success of other people is no reflection on you. Release your feelings of resentment and go be the best you.

I release the resentment I have for others. I wish abundance for everyone.”

Limiting Mindset

One of the most important things you can release is your limiting mindset. You must understand that you can have and be anything you want to be because the universe is unlimited. There is no competition. Don’t believe you have to compete for everything. There is more than enough for everyone. Don’t set limits on your thinking. Remember, your thoughts become your actions and your actions become your reality.

“I release the limits I place on myself. My mind is unlimited and I can have anything I want.”

Let’s Do Something Great Together!

Your reality of today is based on your past thoughts. Your future reality is based on the thoughts that you’re having today. So, dream big. Next year you can be a different person than you are today. You can be living a different lifestyle. My business motto is, “Helping You to Become The Person Others Want to Be.” Don’t go and try to be like a certain sports hero or actor. Go be the kind of person that they want to become.

I hope you enjoyed my podcast/blog Negative Personality traits Part 2. Don’t forget to like, comment and follow.




Negative Personality Traits

This is Episode 36 of my podcast/blog, Negative Personality Traits – Part 1. I want to talk about the power of releasing these negative personality traits. Our minds are very powerful instruments. For instance, it is said that we only utilize 10% of the power of our brains. That is a myth and scientists have discovered we use 100 % of our brains. Our minds are so powerful that they can store our every thought and emotion. Depending on your thoughts and emotions this can be seen as good or bad. Positive thoughts will lead to a wonderful life. On the other hand, negative thoughts and emotions can hold you back from living your dreams.

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Negative Personality Traits

There are countless benefits you will attain from releasing these negative thoughts and emotions. Some of the negative energy that you hold onto are:

  • Anger
  • Fear
  • Pride
  • Resentment
  • A Limiting Mindset
  • and more…..

A few months ago I read a book titled, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hays that was recommended to me. This is an outstanding book by an accomplished author. Louise Hays believes in positive affirmations and beliefs. By repeating positive affirmations you can release the negative energy stored in your mind. She believes through a daily routine of repeating positive affirmations you can change your health. In her book, she states that you can heal diseases and chronic illnesses through positive affirmations.

Now, I am not 100% convinced that I could heal myself without medicine. I need to conduct more research into this phenomenon. I do know that your body reacts to the thoughts in your mind. If you believe you are going to die, no medicine can save you. I have read stories about people who have healed themselves utilizing only their thought process.

The Placebo Effect

In the book, The Secret, Dr. John Hagelin, Quantum Physicist, talks about the power of our thoughts. He says, “Our body is really the product of our thoughts. We are beginning to understand in medical science the degree to which the nature of thoughts and emotions actually determines the physical substance and structure and function of our bodies.”

I’m sure you’ve heard of the “placebo effect” and how the power of suggestion affects the outcome of experiments. When you take any type of medicine, you might not know exactly how the medicine works. As a result, you trust your doctor and believed the medicine will work. How much of your recovery is due to the medicine and how much is due to your belief?

Inspirational Stories

I also read in, The Secret, about a woman named Cathy Goodman. Cathy Goodman was diagnosed with breast cancer. She truly believed in her heart, with her strong faith, that she was already healed. Each day she would say, “Thank you for my healing.” She believed she was healed and saw herself as if cancer were never in her body.

She would watch very funny movies to combat the stress in her life. She would sit with her husband and laugh. By laughing, she released all her negative energy. Laughter is the best medicine. She couldn’t afford to allow any negative thoughts into her mind while she was trying to heal herself. As a result, Cathy was completely healed three months after she was diagnosed. She did not go through any radiation or chemotherapy treatments.

Morris Goodman, “The Miracle Man”

Another inspirational story I found in The Secret is the story of The Miracle Man, Morris Goodman. On March 10, 1981, Morris was piloting an airplane when it developed engine trouble and crashed. As a result, his spinal cord was crushed and he was completely paralyzed. He broke the first and second cervical vertebrae, destroying his swallowing reflex. His diaphragm was destroyed and he couldn’t breathe.

All he could do was blink his eyes. The doctor said he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life. That was what the doctors thought, but that wasn’t what Morris thought. He pictured himself being a normal person again, walking out of that hospital. The only thing he had to work with was his mind.

Morris kept thinking, over and over, “Breathe deeply.” He thought this day after day until he was finally weaned from the respirator. Consequently, the doctors could not explain what happened. He set a goal to walk out of the hospital on Christmas day. When Christmas arrived, that’s exactly what he did. He walked out of the hospital on his own two feet. Morris sums up his life with six words, “Man becomes what he thinks about.”

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Release Your Negativity

These are just a few stories that demonstrate the unlimited potential of the human mind. As it says in Philippians 4:13, “I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.” It doesn’t say that you can do some things or a few things. It says that you can do ALL things. This quote alone shows the unlimited potential of your mind. All you have to do is believe in your heart and give thanks.

I will continue Negative Personality Traits in Part II………


How To Remove Negative Thoughts

Welcome to my podcast. This is Episode 10, How To Remove Negative Thoughts. Below is a summary of the episode. Don’t forget to click the subscribe button below. Also, while you are here, you probably need something from Amazon, so go ahead and click on my links. Thank you for listening.

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How To Remove Negative Thoughts

As I was on my morning walk this beautiful, wonderful day, I was reminded by the garbage cans on the street that today is garbage day. In my neighborhood, they pick up the garbage on Wednesday and Saturday morning. I never put my cans out on Wednesday simply because we don’t accumulate enough garbage.

This got me thinking that garbage day is a metaphor for our lives. We have so much negative garbage in our minds that we need to put it in a can, take it to the streets, and let somebody take it away. Most of my neighbors have so much garbage that they have to put out two cans twice a week. If you have negative thoughts, you need to be taking it out to the street every day. Just like real garbage, I have very little negative which is why I don’t have to take it out to the street very often.

Toss Negative Thoughts In The Can

I have replaced all my garbage with positive thoughts. If I have negative thoughts, or the Doubt Demons creep in, then I immediately throw it in the garbage and take it to the streets. If I run into a negative person while I’m out and about, I immediately toss what they’re saying in the garbage and replace it with positive thoughts.

You can play a little game with this and every time you have something negative in your life walk to the garbage can, lift up the lid, and toss the negative into your garbage can. Begin thinking positive thoughts and on garbage day, roll your can to the street and your negative will be taken away with your actual garbage.

You Deserve It All

Everything in life can be yours. You are one-of-a-kind and can and will be whatever you desire to become.  The reason you don’t believe that you have it right now is because of the words you’re saying and the thoughts that are in your mind. In order to change, you have to look inside you. You have to look at the person who’s looking back at you in the mirror and say I deserve everything I’m asking for.

This can all be explained by the Law of Attraction. You have something to give to the world and if you’re not happy, then you can’t give out that gift. A great exercise is to write down the things you do on a daily basis. These are your habits and habits can be changed. Write down what time you get up in the morning and what you do all throughout the day. Write down the good and the bad, all the way up until you go to bed. The next day read your list.


These are all the things that got you to the point you are at today. If you’re not happy with that person or where you are in life, then you have to change some or maybe all of your habits. If you’re doing the same things over and over and over, you cannot expect different results. To be the person you deserve to be, change the person you are.

Get On Board!

“This Train Is Moving on, You Can Get on, You Can Get off, But the Train Keeps Moving on! We Are Going to the Top of the Mountain!”

Final Thoughts

Thank you for listening to, How To Remove Negative Thoughts – Ep. 10. If you have any comments I would like to hear them. Subscribe to my email list by clicking on the button above and receive my checklist to keep you moving forward in attaining your goals.

Support this blog by clicking on the product icons if you need to purchase anything from Amazon. You can purchase whatever you want and I earn a small commission as long as you enter through my links. You will be supporting my blog and it will not cost you anything extra. I appreciate it and I am grateful to all my followers and readers.

This article may include affiliate links. http://www.inspirechief.com is a participant of the Amazon.com Services LLC Associates Program. As an Amazon Associate, I earn a commission from qualifying purchases. http://www.inspirechief.com participates in other affiliate programs and receives commissions when purchases are made through the links. This is at no extra cost to you.

The Power Of The Unconscious Mind – Part II

In Part I, I talked about the unlimited power of the human mind. I recounted some amazing and inspirational stories of people overcoming severe medical situations only using their minds. Cathy Goodman was diagnosed with cancer and healed herself with her strong beliefs. Morris Goodman was paralyzed in an airplane crash yet walked out of the hospital. He wouldn’t accept that he would be a vegetable for the rest of his life. I hope you enjoy the Power of the Unconscious Mind – Part II.

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The Power Of The Unconscious Mind – Part II

In the Power of the Unconscious Mind – Part II, I want to talk about how you limit your possibilities by holding onto negative energy. Remember that the human mind is limitless and we can do all things if we believe in our hearts. To put it simply, your thoughts become your actions and your actions become your reality. I am living proof of this.

I believe in positive affirmations. Positive affirmations and changing your thought process will change the person that you are. I know this works because I am a completely different person than I was even a few years ago. Two things were limiting me. First, I was putting a time limit on my change. If it wasn’t happening quickly enough, I would say it didn’t work. Second, I held onto a lot of negative energy.

Always Angry

I held a lot of anger inside me but I didn’t know where it came from. I had no reason to feel angry because I was living a very good life. Through many hours of retrospection, I finally realized where my anger was coming from. I lacked self-confidence which was a result of always feeling that I was unworthy. I never felt good enough and always felt everyone else was better than me.

Living in South Florida and having to drive an hour to Miami to work each morning did not help. If you’ve ever driven in South Florida you know what I mean. South Floridians drive very aggressively and don’t seem to care about anyone but themselves. They will cut in front of you and almost hit you without even a second thought. I arrived at my office every day with an angry disposition. In every situation I encountered, I immediately looked for the negative aspects. I was always thinking negatively.

Release The Beast

My anger carried on even after my retirement. I remember one day I realized I wasn’t happy and didn’t want to live the rest of my life like this. So I decided to release the negativity in my life. I asked God to take away my anger. When I did, I immediately became calmer and felt peace inside of me.

For the most part, I’m able to drive around without getting angry but……… there are times. Anger is hard to eliminate when you have to drive in South Florida. One particular incident happened not long ago and had me backsliding into my old ways.

Sooo South Florida

South Florida Drivers

If you live in a normal state or part of the world, you might not understand this. Drivers in South Florida like to get in the passing or “fast” lane and drive very slow. They do not care and immediately go to the fast lane and plant themselves there for the duration of their trip. They will not move over for anything. Most of the time they are driving the speed limit or below. It got so bad that they had to pass a law and post a minimum speed you can drive on the interstate.


My wife and I had been visiting our daughter who attends college in Orlando and we were coming home. We were driving south on Interstate 95 and I was in the middle lane. The driver to my left was approaching one of these slow drivers. Instead of looking in his mirror to see if the lane was clear he just changed lanes. Luckily, he saw me before he hit me and swerved back.

All that was fine, that’s just part of South Florida driving. What pushed the old nuclear anger button🤬 was he decided he would rather hit me than slow down for the car in front of him. With total disregard for anyone but himself, he came back into my lane and I had to hit my brakes to avoid a collision. That sent me into a tirade and the backsliding began.

My anger went on for several minutes. My wife who is described as beautiful and vivacious but also a fiery Latina sat there calmly. One of my favorite ways to describe my wife is she is funny. She always makes us laugh. So, in a very soothing voice, she said,

Scott, be like Frozen.

What? I said angrily.

“Let it goooo.” She said with a straight face. We began laughing and my anger disappeared.

Don’t Let It Hold You Back

The moral of the story is: Release your anger, it is just holding you back.

You should release your fears. Your fears are manifestations of your thoughts. Look into your eyes in a mirror and say, “I release all my fears, I am a strong confident person.” As I’ve said many times, I believe in faith over fear. My faith that I will succeed is stronger than my fear that I will fail. If you cannot eliminate your fears, you can still control them. Don’t let them control you. Step out of your comfort zone.

“I release all my fears and do not let them control me. My faith is my guiding light.”


Another limiting trait we should release is pride. Be proud of who you are and what you will accomplish. Don’t limit yourself by being prideful. Be humble and thankful in everything. Always treat others as you would want someone to treat you or your family.

“I release my pride. I am humbled and thankful in everything I do.”


You must release resentment. Do not resent others for their success. Never compare yourself to other people. Always be happy for everyone and wish abundance for them. The success of other people is no reflection on you. Release your feelings of resentment and go be the best you.

I release the resentment I have for others. I wish abundance for everyone.”

No Limits

One of the most important things you can release is your limiting mindset. You must understand that you can have and be anything you want to be because the universe is unlimited. There is no competition. Don’t believe you have to compete for everything. There is more than enough for everyone. Don’t set limits on your thinking. Remember, your thoughts become your actions and your actions become your reality.

“I release the limits I place on myself. My mind is unlimited and I can have anything I want.”

Your reality of today is based on your past thoughts. Your future reality is based on the thoughts that you’re having today. So, dream big. Next year you can be a different person than you are today. You can be living a different lifestyle. My business motto is, “Helping You to Become The Person Others Want to Be.” Don’t go and try to be like a certain sports hero or actor. Go be the kind of person that they want to become.

All Aboard!!

This Train Is Moving On. You Can Get On, You Can Get Off, But The Train Keeps Moving On! We Are Going To The Top Of The Mountain!

Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed reading The Power Of The Unconscious Mind – Part 2. Are you programming your subconscious mind with positive affirmations? Do you have your own positive affirmations? If so, leave a comment below and let me know. I always enjoy reading your comments. As always, I appreciate all the likes and follows. Don’t forget to subscribe to my email list. Just click on the red button above and leave your email address.

If anyone would like to support this blog please click on the product icons if you need to purchase anything from Amazon. You can purchase whatever you want and I earn a small commission as long as you enter through my links. You will be supporting my blog and it will not cost you anything extra. I appreciate it and I am grateful to all my followers and readers.

This article may include affiliate links. http://www.inspirechief.com is a participant of the Amazon.com Services LLC Associates Program. As an Amazon Associate, I earn a commission from qualifying purchases. http://www.inspirechief.com participates in other affiliate programs and receives commissions when purchases are made through the links. This is at no extra cost to you.