never quit, Never Quit

Never Quit

What is the true meaning of failure? What happens to you when you fail? In this article, I want to talk about failure and most importantly quitting. There is a distinction between the two. As you commence the process of changing your life, you should know the difference. Never Quit!

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Failure is defined as a lack of success, the omission of expected or required action. Quitting is defined as giving up or admitting defeat. These definitions are subjective. I believe the true meaning of failure is when you quit.

Quitting Is Never Acceptable

Failure is acceptable and should be encouraged. It is a way for you to learn and move forward. Failure will show you your mistakes. Learn what you did wrong and correct it on the next attempt. Continue your attempts until you get it right. Quitting is not acceptable. No one ever learned anything from quitting.

To be successful in anything, you must develop a habit of winning. Hall of Fame basketball player Michael Jordan said, “If you quit once, it becomes a habit. Never quit!” The late, great football coach Vince Lombardi stated, “Winning is a habit, unfortunately so is losing.” Quitting is losing, and that is the true meaning of failure.

They Failed But They Never Quit

I am sure Vince Lombardi failed at some point in his life. He did not win every game. Surprisingly, Michael Jordan took the game-winning shot 26 times and missed. He missed more than 9000 shots and lost 300 games. He failed over and over, and that is why he succeeded in life. They might have failed, but they never quit.

Quitting comes from a weak mind. Developing a strong mindset is the best prevention for quitting. Understand that you will have failures in life. Learn to embrace your failures and not use them as an excuse to quit.

never quit, Never Quit


When you decide to change something in your life, you will experience a phenomenon called resistance. Your brain is wired to keep you safe. It does not like change or stepping outside your comfort zone. You can experience resistance in the form of procrastination, excuses, rationalization, and lack of knowledge. All people with creative minds, artists and writers, have experienced resistance.

A strong mind will conquer resistance. You will fail, but you will not quit. Understand that failure is part of the process. Failure is temporary. It will teach you how to succeed. Quitting is permanent. It becomes easier and easier to do. It will stop all growth. As long as you don’t quit you will never truly fail. The true meaning of failure is quitting.

You Almost Had It

When people quit after a setback or series of setbacks, it is usually right before the breakthrough. They were just about to learn something that would keep them going. When a seed is planted in the ground, it struggles to become a plant. Imagine if seeds would quit right before they break through the soil. We would have no food.

You will need to develop a strong mind. You will strengthen your mind just like you develop your body; through exercises. Begin habits of positive self-talk, meditation, visualization, belief, and faith.

Focus On Why

Focus on WHY you started. What was the reason you decided to improve your life? Your WHY has to be big and emotional; your health, family, or personal reasons. If it is big enough, you will go through setback after setback but never quit.

Another great way to avoid quitting is to not go through the process of change alone. Find a team of like-minded people. Go through the process together, helping each other. If one person is experiencing setbacks, the others will lift them. It is easier to quit on yourself than it is to quit on the team.

Have you decided to change and are experiencing failures? Are you thinking about quitting? If so, I am here to help. Leave a comment or email me at There are plenty of articles on my website,, which can be of help. I will see you next week.

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