Acquiring Power By The Mastermind Principle

I am continuing to talk about the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. Today I will discuss the ninth step, Power of the Mastermind, The Driving Force. Don’t try to accomplish anything great alone. Acquiring power by the Mastermind Principle will help you to attain your goals.

Do you need direction in your life? Are you uninspired and procrastinate? My course will show you how to properly set goals, This will change your life. Goals will put purpose back into your life.

The Power Of The Mastermind Principle

Power is essential for success. It can be defined in many different ways. One definition of power is; power is organized and directed knowledge. Napoleon Hill believed in acquiring power by the Mastermind Principle. This helps you gain the knowledge that you need for success. The sources of knowledge are:

1. Infinite Intelligence;

2. Accumulated Experience; and

3. Experiment and Research.

Infinite Intelligence comes from the universe. It allows you to use your creative imagination to gain knowledge. You can acquire this knowledge through meditation and prayer. Accumulated Experience comes from tapping into the knowledge that others have shared. This knowledge is contained in libraries, the Internet, etc. Experiments and Research are conducted to gain new knowledge. When knowledge is not available through an accumulated experience you can find it through experiment and research.


Knowledge To Power By Masterminds

Knowledge is converted into power by organizing it into definite plans. You express those plans through action. Develop a burning desire for your definitive purpose. Create a plan to obtain it. Put your plans into motion through everyday action. Your knowledge becomes powerful. After that, more knowledge becomes available to you.

Hill describes the Mastermind as a “Coordination of knowledge and effort, in a spirit of harmony, between two or more people for the attainment of a definite purpose.” The Mastermind Principle has two characteristics:

1. Economic;

2. Psychic or Spiritual.

The Mastermind

The economic characteristic is simple and straightforward. It is economically advantageous to surround yourself with the advice and knowledge of other people. If you want to create wealth, get advice from a wealthy person.

The psychic or spiritual characteristic is more difficult to comprehend. When two minds come together a third force is created. This becomes like a third mind. A human mind is a form of energy. When two minds come together it forms an affinity or a marriage.


Energy is the building block of everything created. Nature can translate energy into matter. Matter is the physical substance that occupies space and possesses mass. This is distinct from mind and spirit.

As humans, we build through our thought process. By creating a Mastermind group our brains tap into more knowledge. Therefore, becoming more powerful. Think of your brain as a battery. A group of batteries is more powerful than one. Therefore, a group of brains creates more power than a single brain alone.

Henry Ford

A great example of acquiring power by the Mastermind Principle is Henry Ford. When Ford went into business, he was poor, illiterate, and ignorant. Despite this, within 10 years he had overcome all these shortcomings. 25 years after he started he became one of the richest men in America.

He became friends with Thomas Edison. After that, his business grew by leaps and bounds. His most outstanding accomplishments didn’t occur until after he met Henry Firestone, John Burroughs, and Luther Burbank. Henry Ford is a prime illustration of acquiring power by the Mastermind Principle.


Throughout history, men and women have utilized the Mastermind Principle to increase the power of their minds and accomplish great things. If you don’t find yourself progressing in obtaining your goals look for someone to join you. Set a goal, develop a plan, and put action into your plan. Maintain harmony within your group and watch your progress grow.

My wife and I have been together for 30 years and are happier than ever. Here are some tips on how we keep our relationship fresh and exciting. Get your FREE Relationship Tips Today!

I hope you enjoyed this post. Don’t forget to like, follow, and comment. I would like to know if anyone has utilized the Mastermind Principle. What were your results? Also, subscribe to my email list and podcast. I appreciate your support.


“Power Of The Mastermind, The Driving Force” Think and Grow Rich: The Complete Classic Text, by Napoleon Hill, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2008, pp. 243-253.


Why Setting Goals Is Important

Who actually writes down goals? Well, the best answer is, successful people. Did you know that 96% of all the wealth created in the world is created by 1% of the population? These are the people that are extremely successful in building businesses and making money. By comparison, I recently heard that only 1% of people actually write down their goals. One could deduct that the 1% who are writing down their goals are also the 1% creating 96% of the wealth. For example, in my post last week on becoming an expert, I listed some habits of successful people. One of those habits is that successful people are goal-oriented. This is a great reason why setting goals is important. Taking this all in, I think it’s time we started writing some goals.

Do you need direction in your life? Are you uninspired and procrastinate? My course will show you how to properly set goals and change your life. Goals will put purpose back into your life.

What Are Goals

What are goals? Simply put, goals are just things that you want. Decide on some things that you want and write them down. Now you have some goals. For example, you might want more money, a bigger house, or fame. Maybe you want a better relationship or actually be in a relationship. Whatever you want, write it down.

They must have an end date. By setting an end date, you will stay on track to accomplish them. It helps you do a little bit every day to keep moving forward. You will also be able to track your progress towards reaching your goal. For example, by December 31, 2020, I have earned $1,500,000 profit in my businesses. I can now see how close or far I am to accomplishing it. This allows me to look at my plan and see if it’s working.



One method of staying on track with your goals is called, “The Seinfeld Method.” In this method, you get a large yearly calendar and hang it on a prominent wall. Establish your goal and your plan. Every day that you do something in your plan and work toward your goal, put a big red “X” on that date. The purpose is to establish a chain and never break the chain.

Another method is to put two jars on your desk. One jar is filled with marbles, paperclips, etc., and the other is empty. Every time you do something towards accomplishing your goal, move the object to the empty jar. This is a great method for accomplishing them. For example, A lot of salespeople use this method when they have a goal of making X amount of sales calls a day.

My wife and I have been together for 30 years and are happier than ever. Here are some tips on how we keep our relationship fresh and exciting. Get your FREE Relationship Tips Today!

The Person You Become

What I like most about setting goals and working towards obtaining them, is what I become from the process. Who will you become by focusing on your goals? What kind of person would you be after working on your plan? Like me, you will change. By focusing on them you will begin to get a direction in your life. It will give you a purpose and you will find you are better because of it. This to me is the most important aspect of goal setting, what you become, and another reason why setting goals is important.

Have you written your goals down and carry them with you? Do you have them written on the bathroom mirror?  Have you figured out why setting goals is important? Leave a comment below and let me know if you have any tips. Subscribe to my email list by clicking on the button above and receive my checklist to keep you moving forward in attaining your goals.

Becoming An Expert Episode 29

In this podcast, Becoming An Expert Episode 29, I want to talk about what it takes to become an expert. Would you like to be considered an expert in your field? What are some of the advantages of being known as an expert? 

  1. You can charge a higher rate.
  2. People have more confidence and trust in you.
  3. It’s easier to grow your client list.
  4. It helps in marketing what you have to offer.
  5. Etc.

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Becoming An Expert Episode 29

People who are considered experts in their field are also some of the most successful. Author Stephen King is an expert in the genre of horror fiction. If you wanted to begin writing horror fiction novels, he would be a good source. In the field of business, Richard Branson would be considered an expert. He has taken a small record store and turned it into several other highly successful businesses. When I’m thinking about American football one name comes to mind, Tom Brady. Because of his success, he would be considered an expert on being a quarterback as well as on becoming a champion.

The thing about becoming an expert and being successful is there are no shortcuts. I know today, living in our fast food society, we want everything right now. Unfortunately, striving to be the best takes time. No one is born an expert. Your gift is inside you when you’re born but you must develop that gift. Becoming an expert only happens through training and experience. It is said that to be an expert at anything you must do it repeatedly for at least 10,000 hours. When I was a Special Agent with DEA, I was considered an expert in narcotics trafficking and smuggling techniques. I didn’t have that knowledge when I was hired or even after I graduated from the Academy. It took many years of studying and experience to become an expert.

Habits Of Successful People

As I was researching this post, I realized that successful people tend to have the same habits. In his book, Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill spent 20 years studying the richest and most successful men in America at that time. He came up with 13 qualities that all these men shared. I came upon an article on the website which lists 50 habits of successful people. Here are a few of those habits.

  1. They are early risers.
  2. Meditation.
  3. Love of reading.
  4. They spend time on focused thinking.
  5. Exercise is a part of their day.
  6. Their network contains like-minded individuals.
  7. They set goals.
  8. Multiple sources of income.
  9. They avoid things that waste time.
  10. They consider problems as gifts.

Valentine’s Day is coming! My wife and I have been together for 30 years and are happier than ever. Here are some tips on how we keep our relationship fresh and exciting. Get your FREE Relationship Tips Today!

These are only a few of the habits that successful people share. If you are not where you want to be in life, go through this list and see which habits you need to acquire. If you enjoyed my podcast, Becoming An Expert Episode 29, leave a comment below. Let me know how you have changed your habits. Subscribe to my email list by clicking on the blue-button above and receive my checklist to keep you moving forward in attaining your goals. Don’t forget to check out my courses.

Developing A Mastermind Group With Specialized Knowledge

I’m continuing my posts based on the 13 steps for acquiring wealth. Napoleon Hill in his book, Think and Grow Rich, discussed the 13 common steps successful men used to acquire their wealth. Today, I’m going to talk about developing a mastermind group with specialized knowledge. This is the fourth step for acquiring wealth or in accomplishing your goals.

Valentine’s Day is coming! My wife and I have been together for 30 years and are happier than ever. Here are some tips on how we keep our relationship fresh and exciting. Get your FREE Relationship Tips Today!

Developing A Mastermind Group With Specialized Knowledge

There are two types of knowledge, general and specialized. General knowledge is of little use in accomplishing anything. It’s great to have, but it won’t get you anywhere towards accomplishing your goals. Specialized knowledge is organized and intelligently directed through practical plans of action. Knowledge is not power but only potential power. Knowledge becomes power when it’s organized and directed.


Hill believed that our educational system is flawed. It gives students knowledge but never teaches them how to organize and use that knowledge. For example, many college graduates don’t work in their field of study. They spend four years gaining knowledge of which most is of little use to them.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not against education. I’m glad that I went to college and that my two daughters are currently attending universities. The knowledge that we learned has made us better people. That being said, the truth is, I was never taught how to use that knowledge to accomplish something.


Specialized Knowledge

This is why it is important to develop a mastermind group with specialized knowledge. Most people have general knowledge and ideas. What they lack is the specialized knowledge to turn their idea into money. For example, an inventor knows how to build things but doesn’t know how to market or sell what they’ve built. They don’t know how to manage employees or of potential legal issues.

Mastermind Group

How can they overcome these obstacles and lack of knowledge? Form a mastermind group and bring in people with the specialized knowledge they lack. They can use that knowledge and organize it into a definite plan of action. Their next step is to go to work.

They can continue to add on to their mastermind group by finding others with specialized knowledge they can put to use. Successful people don’t stop acquiring specialized knowledge. I love to learn both general and specialized knowledge. Learning keeps me alive and I’ll only stop learning when I die.


To be successful in acquiring wealth or accomplishing a goal you need to:

  1. Form a team. Look for and find like-minded people with the specialized knowledge that you don’t have;
  2. Work together towards a definite purpose;
  3. Organize the specialized knowledge and put it to use;
  4. Form practical plans for accomplishing your definite purpose;
  5. Put action to your plans and work in harmony.

Follow the above steps and you will get closer to your goals every day.

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Final Thoughts

Developing a mastermind group with specialized knowledge is just one of the steps on your journey to success. Don’t try to take your journey alone. No one knows everything and successful people become so as a team. Write down the knowledge that you do not have and begin looking for people with specialized knowledge. Develop your mastermind group and go do something great.

Do you have a team you are working with? Do you believe that mastermind groups are necessary for success? Leave a comment below and let me know. If you enjoyed this don’t forget to like and follow.


“Specialized Knowledge” Think and Grow Rich: The Complete Classic Text, by Napoleon Hill, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2008, pp. 91-112.


5 Techniques For Using Auto-Suggestion

The book I’m reading for January is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. It’s a fascinating book written in the 1930s. Hill devoted 25 years of his life and spoke with 500 successful and wealthy men. He discovered 13 steps that all the men had in common and used to obtain their wealth. This is my second time reading this book and Hill says it takes three times to fully understand the content. Also, you must faithfully complete the exercises he lays out to get the most out of the book. In this chapter, he writes about 5 techniques for using auto-suggestion to obtain what you desire.

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5 Techniques For Using Auto-Suggestion

Auto-suggestion is the third step to obtaining what you desire. I wrote about steps one and two, Desire and Faith, in my last two blog posts. When talking about auto-suggestion, you must understand how your conscious and subconscious mind works. All suggestions and self-administered stimuli reach our mind to your five senses. Auto-suggestion becomes a bridge between your conscious and subconscious mind. Your dominating thoughts are contained in your conscious mind. By using auto-suggestion or positive affirmations, they will move into your subconscious mind and influence you into action.

Your Conscious Mind

Everything you perceive through your five senses is stopped by your conscious mind. Your conscious mind has the power to pass these perceptions to your subconscious mind and it also has the power to reject them. The conscious mind cannot differentiate between positive and negative perceptions. Whatever thoughts are dominating your conscious mind will be passed to your subconscious mind.

Photo by Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash

Your Subconscious Mind

Your brain is built so you have complete control of what enters your subconscious mind. Whether they are positive thoughts or negative thoughts is up to you. You can control the type of thought you want to allow into your subconscious mind. Think of your thoughts like seeds. Positive thoughts will grow positive results (flowers). On the other hand, negative thoughts will grow negative results (weeds).

The five techniques for using auto-suggestion are:

  1. Write down a statement of what you desire and when you want to have it. Next, write what you are willing to give up and your plan for obtaining it.
  2. Read your statement aloud twice a day; once in the morning and once before going to bed.
  3. Close your eyes and see yourself having what you desire.
  4. Feel the emotions that you will feel when you obtain it.
  5. Have faith that everything you wrote in your statement will come true.


By feeling the emotions of having what you desire you will communicate your desire directly to your subconscious mind. Closing your eyes and seeing yourself in possession of your desire, along with feeling the emotions, will eventually lead to giving you the spirit of faith. Go back and read last week’s blog post to understand the importance of faith. Without faith, your statement is just words. This is the reason most people fail to obtain their desires; they never develop faith.

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5 Auto-suggestion Techniques

These 5 techniques for using auto-suggestion are necessary to get what you desire. You are applying the principle of auto-suggestion. Faith is your strongest emotion and your subconscious mind will act upon your faith. It is normal to be skeptical whenever you are approached with a new idea. It sounds too easy but the power of auto-suggestion will turn your skepticism into belief. Eventually, your belief will turn into faith.

Control Is In Your Hands

You are the master of your destiny. You and only you determine the life you want to live. The dominating thoughts in your conscious mind passed through to your subconscious mind determines your actions. In turn, your actions will determine your reality. If you want to change your life, it can happen with these 5 techniques for using auto-suggestion.

As always, if you enjoyed reading this post like, follow, and comment. Let me know if you have ever used these five techniques for auto-suggestion. If you want to make a change or need any help, send me an email, and we can set up a time for a call. You can check out my courses at the link above.


“Auto-Suggestion” Think and Grow Rich: The Complete Classic Text, by Napoleon Hill, Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin, 2008, pp. 80-90.

The Journey To Success Begins

It’s a new year full of promises. My goals are set and my plans are in place. Now it is time to put the work in as the journey to success begins. Seeds that I planted in 2020 are beginning to emerge. All the work I put in last year will begin to pay off.

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The Journey To Success Begins

I have to constantly remind myself to enjoy every step as the journey to success begins. One way I do this is to look back at my journey so far. I asked myself, “How did I get here?” I have always hated writing. In college, during my career with DEA, and even now, as one of my sources of income depends on writing reports, I struggle with writing.


So why did I choose to start a blog in April 2020? Why would I want to put down my thoughts on paper when I never could stand writing. The only answer is divine inspiration. It is something I’m supposed to do. My entire life I have been led by divine inspiration. I believe that God has a purpose for me to fulfill and writing seems to be a big part of that.

Looking back at my life, I grew up as a shy child who lacked confidence. I never felt like I belonged and always looked at other people as better than me. Even though I had many successes, I would only focus on the failures. I was constantly looking at the negative things that went on in my life.

Let’s Begin

As I grew, I constantly found myself in situations that were outside of my comfort zone. These were always situations that I volunteered for, such as trying out for sports teams. I volunteered to join the military and parachute training even though I was scared of heights. I didn’t know how I kept finding myself in these situations. Even though I excelled in my training and was winning awards, I still lacked self-confidence. All of my achievements didn’t matter.


In 2008, I was diagnosed with colorectal cancer and remember asking myself, “What have I done in my life?” Taking a look at my life, I added up all my achievements and my successes. I found peace because I had lived a full life.

Another great find was my self-confidence and I stopped caring about other people’s opinions. I focused on myself and began to take notice of all the “God winks” taking place daily. “God winks” are seemingly coincidental events that happen in our lives. Thinking about someone you haven’t heard from in a long time and they call you. This phone call eventually leads you to someone who becomes a great client.

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January 2020

Fast forward to January 2020, when I became inspired to start an online business to help people. I couldn’t shake the thought that I needed to pass on lessons that I have learned throughout my life. I have learned so much about how the mind works by training and working alongside military special operations operatives. The thought wouldn’t leave me that there were people in the world who needed to know what I have learned.

I started and began doing the one thing that I hated more than anything, writing. I never learned how to type, so when I do, it’s with two fingers. Luckily, I found dictation software and I don’t have to type, which saves me a lot of time.

Relationships Are Key

Through my journey to success, I began to enjoy blogging. I have built relationships with people throughout the world.  I enjoy cultivating these relationships the most. Relationships are important and I began using social media to build more relationships.

During my 30 year career with the military and DEA, I was told three times, “thank you,” by strangers. These two little words are powerful and gave me the energy to carry on the fight. In the last nine months, I have been thanked several times and told that my articles have helped people. Whenever I hear I have helped someone, it fills me with energy and keeps me going. Humans are not solitary people, we need interaction and relationships. Relationships need to be tended to so they can flourish. A simple comment like “thank you” goes a long way.

The Journey To Success Begins For 2021

As the journey to success begins for 2021, I know I’m here today by divine intervention. I still receive “God winks” frequently. I know there’s more to do. My journey to success has been great and I have enjoyed it. Make sure you enjoy yours and keep your eyes and ears open for your “God winks.”

2021 A New Beginning

In my first post of this new year, 2021 a new beginning, I want to talk about taking everything we did at the end of December and utilize it in 2021. If you haven’t read my posts from December then I will encourage you to go back and read them. I talked about words you need to replace in your vocabulary, setting goals, and doing a self-analysis.

Techniques To Help You Start The Year Off Right!!!

2021 A New Start

For me, 2020 was a great year despite everything that went on in the world. Today I’m a different person than I was this time last year. I am excited about the new beginning 2021 brings. The possibilities are endless and the choice is yours on what you want to do with the next 365 days. I am set up better for 2021 because of everything I did at the end of 2020.

You can decide today how your life is going to be like a year from now. You just need to make the decision to change. The decision is not enough though. The most important part of making any decision is to make a commitment to that decision. Your commitment will get you through difficult times.

2021 New Year’s Resolutions

Many people make New Year’s resolutions during this time. I have never made New Year’s resolutions. Most New Year’s resolutions made by people only last about two weeks. By January 15th they have already quit on them. The reason is that they never committed to their resolutions.

Let’s take the gym for example. Before COVID, you could find me in the gym almost every morning. Many people make a resolution to lose weight and at the beginning of January and the gym becomes very crowded. Normally, I could go through my workouts without any interference but not at the beginning of January. I don’t like the crowds but I only have to put up with them for the first two weeks. By then, most people have quit because it got too hard and they didn’t commit.


Begin Today

Now that we’re in 2021 don’t be like most people. Begin today working on a new you. Start carving out the life that you want to live and stop listening to the opinion of others. Read your goals and begin working on your plan. I’m a better person today because of the decision I made last year and the commitment I made to that decision. It wasn’t easy and in fact, it was very hard at times. Stretching my comfort zone was difficult and I wanted to quit several times.

I just kept working on my plan, even on days that I didn’t want to. I kept speaking what I wanted and not what I had. Celebrating the small victories was a big help. I made productive use of each day and always moved forward. Some days I made giant leaps and others, small steps. When I fell I always fell forward. The most important thing I did was persevere by focusing on the WHY.

Let’s Form A Team In 2021

Let’s Go Do It

Let’s go make 2021 your year! You’ve made your decision and committed to that decision. Your goals are set and you have a solid plan. You have a WHY that is big and emotional. Hopefully, it scares you. You know nothing’s going to get in your way and you will overcome all obstacles. Persevere and NEVER QUIT!

2021 a new beginning, it can be for you. If you enjoyed this article, please like, comment, and follow. Let me know what you want to change in 2021. If you need help with anything, InspireChief is here for you. You can purchase my courses above. Let’s make 2021 a great year together.

All Aboard!!

“This Train Is Moving on, You Can Get on, You Can Get off, But the Train Keeps Moving on! We Are Going to the Top of the Mountain!”

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The End Of Year Self-Analysis

This is it, 2020 is finally coming to an end and it has been a wild ride. This time last year who would have thought that 2020 would become such a train wreck. Now, rest assured, on January 1, 2021 everything’s not gonna miraculously become better. For me and my family, as well as a lot of people, 2020 was a rough year and I’m glad it’s coming to an end. 2021 is filled with great possibilities and it’s always exciting to begin something new. Now that we are in the last few days of 2020 it is a great time to do an end-of-year self-analysis.

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Year-End Analysis

Let’s bring 2020 to a close with a few ways to conduct an end of year self-analysis. I like to do an end of year self-analysis to take inventory of my life. I look at different aspects of my life to see where I became better, stayed the same, and where I’m worse off. Some of the areas that I look at are my goals, my plan, my education, and my expenses.

Self-Analysis Of Goals

Since our goals are simply what we want they are easy to analyze. Did I accomplish them or not? Doing an end of year self-analysis of your goals is crucial to set goals for next year. I break down my goals to make sure they were specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bounded. If I accomplished my goals easily, I know I need to set more challenging ones for next year. If I did not accomplish my goals, I want to find out why. Maybe I overestimated my abilities and set unattainable goals.

Analyzing The Plan

The next thing I do when conducting an end of year self-analysis is going over my plan. Accomplishing the goals I set for myself all depends on my plan. If the plan I had didn’t succeed then I need to change my plan. By analyzing my plan I don’t waste time doing things that didn’t achieve the results I expected. Achieving great results means my plan is working so I continue with the plan next year. If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.

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I always like to go over my education from the previous year. I look at the courses I purchased, books I read, and the people I listened to. Writing down what I learned, if anything, from these different educational tools, helps me to see if I’m on the right path. You can analyze what you learned about yourself, your business/career, and your relationship.

For me, education is important, and I never want to stop learning. This analysis of my education from the past year also helps me to analyze my goals. For example, if I didn’t achieve a goal in my business but I learned some new marketing tactics then I know I’m on the right track. If you are failing, don’t beat yourself up. As long as you are learning and doing you’re on the right track. Everything you’ve done in the past year is like sowing seeds that will begin to sprout soon.


Finally, I conduct an end of year analysis of my expenses. I want to see where my money is going. Am I investing my money or spending my money? For my business, some of the things I look at are courses I purchased, marketing expenses, as-well-as apps, and plug-ins. I want to see whether they were worth it or not. By conducting this end-of-year analysis of my expenses I get a good indication of my return on investment. I can then determine what expenses I cut and what I continue for next year.

Bye 2020

Let’s all say goodbye to 2020 and look forward to making 2021 a better year. Decide today where you want to be this time next year. Conduct an end of year self-analysis and put together a winning plan for next year. Commit to working on your plan every day and you will be a different person by the end of 2021.

I wish everyone a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

The Value Of Teamwork – Episode 22

In this podcast, The Value Of Teamwork – Episode 22, I want to talk about the value of teams. Have you ever tried to accomplish something alone? It is hard. By surrounding yourself with a team you will find it is easier and you can accomplish much more.

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Episode 22 – The Value Of Teamwork

If you want to be successful at anything, you need a team. It’s just overwhelmingly difficult to make it to the top by yourself. As I have written in past blogs, your WHY needs to come from deep down inside you, it needs to be large and emotional. The goal that you are working towards accomplishing has to be worthwhile. It has to be realistic but large enough to scare you and be difficult to obtain. Life is gonna throw too many obstacles and challenges at you to accomplish the goal by yourself.

We always went into the jungle as teams. I was part of a 10 man team that was deployed to South America and lived in the jungle. In the military, I was part of a unit that had a mission to accomplish and could only be done as a team. During my law enforcement career, I always had a partner and we were part of a bigger team that worked the streets. Whenever we would conduct an enforcement operation, we always went out with a minimum of six team members.

Forming A Team

If you find yourself all alone on your journey, I encourage you to go form a team. It is said that two horses pulling together should be able to pull twice as much weight as a single horse. The truth is that two horses, pulling as a team, can actually pull three times the weight. If those two horses trained together as a team, then they can pull as much as four times the weight. By forming or joining a team it will make your journey to success easier, faster, and less frustrating. It’s a lot easier to quit on yourself than it is to quit on a team.

When you’re looking for a team, look for people who are like-minded as you and are always uplifting. Take a deep long look at the team that you’re currently on, mainly your coworkers, family, and friends. Evaluate your team to see if they are supportive and invested in your success or are they negative and insincere.

Look at the people in your life and you will see that you can fit them into one of two categories; wind or anchors. People that are in the wind category are always filling your sails and moving you forward. People in the anchor category are the ones that stop your forward progress, keep you from moving anywhere, and if they wrap around you, can drag you to the bottom of the ocean and drown you. These anchors will have to be cut out of your life, at least temporarily, until you are not affected by them.

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As you continue on your journey you will build your confidence to a level where you are no longer affected by other people’s opinions of you. In a previous post titled, A Flying Rat’s Ass, I wrote about not letting other people’s opinions affect you. If someone else’s opinion or words affect you in a negative way and stop you from accomplishing your goals, then you value the other person’s opinion more than you do yourself.

The Value Of Teamwork can not be under emphasized, it is crucial to your success. The next step is to simply go find a mentor and form that championship team that will accelerate your road to success. We are all here for you.

Climb Aboard!!

This Train Is Moving On. You Can Get On, You Can Get Off, But The Train Keeps Moving On! We Are Going To The Top Of The Mountain!


Properly Setting Goals For 2021

For December, my weekly posts are about wrapping up 2020 and getting ready for 2021. Last week I wrote a post about five things to change in 2021. December is a great month to ask yourself, “Am I where I thought I would be this time last year?” If your answer is, “No,” then now is a great time to see what went wrong. Think about where you want to be a year from now and what you want to accomplish. Today is the time to start properly setting goals for 2021.

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Properly Setting Goals For 2021

I’ve written a few posts about goals and as always, I like to keep things simple. Goals are simply something that you want. Think about what you want, write it down, put a date on it, and that’s a goal. They’re your roadmap that will keep you on track and get you to your destination.

Many people have goals but never accomplish them. There are several reasons for failing to accomplish what you set out to do. First, you fail because you don’t commit to achieving your goals. Secondly, you don’t have a good plan. Third, you don’t put in the work. There is nothing free in this world, you must put in the work. Fourth, you don’t know how to properly set goals.

Mistakes Made In Goal Setting

Some of the mistakes you make when setting goals are your goals are too general. They don’t have an end date for them. Your goals can’t be measured so you cannot tell if you’re on track. One of the biggest mistakes is you didn’t write them down. An example of a poorly designed goal is, “I have a goal to read more next year.” This is too general; it is not specified what you will read or how much.


One of the techniques I talk about in my course, Setting Goals That Work, is using the acronym SMART. In conducting research I found that some people like using this approach and others don’t. I believe there is no one cure for everything. Find what works for you and use it.

  • S – Specific
  • M – Measurable
  • A – Achievable
  • R – Relevant
  • T – Time Bounded

Using the example above, a properly set goal will read like this, “I will read 24 Self-Improvement books by 12/31/2021.

  • Specific – It specifies exactly what you’re going to read, Self-Improvement books.
  • Measurable – You’re going to read 24 books.
  • Achievable – If every book averages 400 pages then you would need to read 27 pages per day. This is very achievable.
  • Relevant – If you are looking for self-improvement, then this is a relevant goal.
  • Time Bounded – There is an end date, 12/31/2021, attached to the goal.

Break’em Down

You can also break this yearly goal into smaller goals. Write down how many books you would want to read every month. Set a weekly goal of how many pages or chapters you will read. Also, set daily goals of reading for a specific time or number of pages. This will keep you on track and you will be able to see how you are progressing toward your yearly goal.


This SMART technique can be utilized in setting different types of goals. I always set three types of goals, personal, business, and relationship. You can set goals for wealth building, your health, and improving your relationships. By properly setting goals for 2021 in these areas, your life will change.


When your goals are set, the next step is to develop a plan to achieve your goals. Set up a time frame of when you want to check your progress and analyze your plan. For a yearly goal, you should do a progress check at least every quarter. If you find yourself off-track and not making the progress you expected, change your plan but never change your goal. If you want to learn more about properly setting goals for 2021, you can check out my course and preorder it above. The course will be published early in January.

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If anyone has any tips or techniques on setting goals or stories on how goals have worked for you, I would love to hear them in the comments section. Don’t forget to like, follow, and join our team by subscribing to the email list.

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