the importance of finding your why, The Importance Of Finding Your WHY

The Importance Of Finding Your WHY

For this post, I wanted to get you started right on your journey to a new you. If you have decided that you want to be better off this time next year, this post will supply you with the main ingredient. I know that you have set your goals for the next year and written your plans. Now comes the question, “What is your WHY?” The importance of finding your WHY cannot be understated.

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The Importance Of Finding Your WHY

Today is your beginning. It is time to step out on the path, look up at the mountain, and begin your journey. You should be excited and keep that excitement throughout your journey. Enjoy it. It’s not always going to be as easy as the first day. This is why you have to answer that question, “What is your WHY?” Your WHY has to be yours. It has to be big and emotional.

Every January I reread, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. In his book, Hill defines the 13 steps necessary to obtain wealth.  During the early 20th century, Hill spent 20 years interviewing 500 men of wealth. He discovered that each one had the same 13 traits. One of the traits that each man had was a “Definite Purpose.” This is your primary goal; what you want to accomplish in your lifetime. Thomas Edison, Henry Ford, and Andrew Carnegie Hall had a definite purpose.

The Great Depression

The book was written during the Great Depression. It was one of the hardest times for the country. It was a time where most people struggled financially; many lost everything. What a lot of people don’t know is that few people became millionaires during this time. They didn’t let the circumstances affect them. They had a big WHY and a definite purpose.

the importance of finding your why, The Importance Of Finding Your WHY
Created During The Great Depression


If 2020 taught us anything, it is that life is life and it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Circumstances can change very quickly. Life can either shine you up or grind you up. Don’t let the things you can’t control stop you from controlling the things you can. Two things that you have complete control over are your Attitude and Effort. If you don’t have a big WHY you will crumble at the first sign of adversity. A big WHY will push you and keep you focused on working on your plan.


Hill begins his book, Think and Grow Rich, with the first step; Desire. He says, “Every person who wins in any undertaking must be willing to burn his ships and cut all sources of retreat. Only by so doing can one be sure of maintaining that state of mind known as a burning desire to win, essential to success.” Here he is talking about your WHY. I ask you again, “What is your WHY in 2021?”

Do you know your definite purpose? If not, find one. If so, find that burning desire to achieve your definite purpose. It is only by knowing what you want to accomplish and desiring immensely to succeed, that you will bring about change. Find your WHY.  You can be a different person this time next year.

How Important Is Breathing

If I held your head underwater, your definite purpose would be to breathe. You would quickly develop a burning desire to fill your lungs with air. A big emotional WHY would develop; you want to live. Develop the same burning desire to achieve your goals as you had for air. Fight for your goals as you would fight for air. If you do this, nothing can stop you.

The question remains, “What do you want to accomplish this year?” Do you want to be living a different lifestyle this time next year? If so, “What is your WHY in 2021?” Do you understand the importance of finding your WHY? Find your definite purpose and develop a burning desire to achieve it. Get started today.


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5 thoughts on “The Importance Of Finding Your WHY

  1. […] one dog decides they want to expand their horizons and leave? Maybe the dog is a male and sees a beautiful female dog a few houses away. First, they would slowly approach the edge, receive the shock, and jump back. […]

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